


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

★ Value ★

$190 (plus a ton of commissions)

★ To artists ★

He can wear these glasses. Please do not give him exaggerated muscles. He can't smile from ear to ear due to weak facial muscles. His hair is a dark almond color. The black marks on his neck and arm are like tattoos on his skin. Also, the thing floating to the left of him is a crystal that's embedded in his body; DO NOT DRAW IT!


☆ Xereth ☆
Name: Xereth Perone
Alias: Xer (pronounced like zer)
Galatier (gold plum)
Age: 34
DOB: November 28
Gender: Male
Orientation: Asexual
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Part time barber | Band manager


"I prefer to work than to idle. Occupies me, my hands. Too restless, too bored."


♦ Blue
♦ Sweet food, especially caramel

♦ Sweet coffee
♦ Vanilla-flavored food
♦ Working
♦ Walking


♦ Disobedient people
♦ Children
♦ Animals
♦ Bitter food, spicy food
♦ Smiling


Physical Strength ★★★☆☆
Agility ★★☆☆☆☆
Offence ★★☆☆☆
Defence ★★☆☆☆
Stamina ★★★☆☆
Intelligence ☆☆☆

 Layout by @Coloris
Inspired layouts from Wicked and Jayden

  N o t e s t o A r t i s t s
♦ He can wear these <a href="http://www.onlineopticiansuk.com/images/products/zoom/1265489443-14180100.jpg">glasses</a>.
 Please do not give him exaggerated muscles. He has broad shoulders.
 He can't smile from ear to ear due to weak facial muscles; he can only make a small smile.
 His hair is a dark almond color.
 The black marks on his neck and arm are like tattoos on his skin.
 Also, the thing floating to the left of him is a crystal that's embedded in his body; do not draw it!

  B a c k s t o r y
"I need change everyday, or else I go mad."


  P e r s o n a l i t y
Xereth lacks compassion and empathy, much like his blood family. He doesn't enjoy interacting with people, so he chooses not to socialize. He wouldn't bother to go out of his way to do anything out of his normal routine unless he needs to. He can be friendly in his manners, but no more than that, and everyone is equal in his eyes. He has one other personality which he isn't aware of; he is more warm, understanding, and kind. He actually smiles. When he returns to normal, people notice that he has a cool persona and a warm persona, and they usually resent him more when he's "cold" again. He's puzzled when he's told about things he doesn't remember doing or saying, but doesn't care enough to delve into it. Not much would ruffle his feathers either way, except when he is trapped near a large body of water, which can put him into a fit due to a past experience. He also has a rather passive aggressive attitude.

♦ Doesn't make eye contact with people out of shyness
♦️ Flutters his wings when alarmed or alert
♦ Goes still when on guard
♦ Uses his head to gesture for most responses of affirmation or disapproval

  I n t e r e s t s  D r e a m s 
♦ Work
♦️ How the average human brain works, because he feels lacking
♦ He dreams of a day when he will feel alive

  D e s c r i p t i o n
Height: 6'0"

  O t h e r s
♦ Works part time as a barber at Lovely Hair Just for You. His full-time job is as a band manager for a specific group. He can be extremely picky about the people he works with at his full-time job. He makes a point of ignoring them (more than usual) if they did something he disapproves of.


  1. Human in appearance (mostly), galatiers also sport pointed ears, a tail, and wings. Their wings are symbolic of their longevity, and can live up to five times longer than humans. After reaching maturity they appear youthful for most of their years, and only begin to age slowly toward the end of their lives. 

   S t r e n g t h s W e a k n e s s e s
♦ ♦ 

  R e l a t i o n s h i p s
♦ Lover |
♦ Family | Melinda (mother, deceased) | Jared (father, deceased) | 
Atlas (second cousin)
♦ Friends | 

  T h e m e S o n g