Wilma Zamora



3 years, 8 months ago


Quiet physiatry student, goes with the flow and is always sleepy.

Wilma Victoria Zamora 
Gender | Transgender Female (She/Her) |
Age | 27 |
Date of Birth | February 5 |
Place of Birth | Singapore |
Horoscope | Aquarius |
Race/Ethnicity | Filipino |
Sexuality | Lesbian |
Height | 5'10" |
Religion | Wicca |
Occupation | Post Office Worker, Student |
Diet | Pescatarian |
Mental Conditions | Autism |
Languages | Tagalog(Fluent) English(Fluent), Malay(Beginner) |
Songs X |
Fashion Board | X |
"Look to the sky just before you die, cause it's the last time you'll ever see it..."

+ Calm, Relaxed, Serious
= Reserved, Dry
- Negative, Slob, Lazy

 Video games, long novels, psychology, studying, being alone, gorey films, asmr, milk, blue skies, loud concerts, empty movie theaters, big sweaters, spring time, coffee

Working, big crowds, walking, lemons, winter, sour food, waking up early

Favourite Music
Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Avenged Sevenfold

Favourite Movies
The Matrix, Fargo, Kill Bill, The Human Centipede, Black Swan, Midnight Cowboy, Dogtooth

Favourite Foods
Ube ice cream, bubble tea, gummy candy, vanilla cake, carbonated drinks

Favourite Animals
Pangolin, lemurs

Drawing Tips
+ Her hair can be in any style ! As long as the length and colour does not change
+ Motifs include the clear sky, concerts, birds, books, libraries, the supernaturaldez8fkm-f5635949-ffba-4642-b8e7-e33a08a3
     Wilma Zamora was born in Singapore on February 5th. Her childhood was a very normal one, she did well in school but was always a loner. She always liked being alone and didn't even like the company of her parents or siblings.  The family moved to Vancouver, Canada when Wilma was 10 years old, this didn't affect her in anyway as she had no friends to leave behind. Wilma continued through school and graduated high school with honours.

     After graduating she went to the University of British Columbia for a bachelor degree in Psychology. While working through her bachelor degree she got a job as a post office worker and has been working there ever since. She graduated at 24 with her bachelor and decided to continue further education. She is now working on her PHd in Psychology hoping to become a psychiatrist.

     Currently Wilma is in the beginning stages of her PHD, something that brings her immense joy in life. She is working on it part time and hopes to be done in 6 years. She lives alone with her ferrets and is perfectly happy in her life.

Works at the post office as she works on her PHd in Psychology

Does not talk often during social gatherings or in public. However does well talking when it comes to her research, and school work. When she does talk her voice is very monotone

Constantly bored and tired

Likes being places so loud she can't hear her thoughts

On basically every dating app trying to find a girlfriend..  very desperate

Has two ferrets named Skye and Birdie

Goes to work all day and spends all night with school work. lives off coffee and caffeine

Go with the flow kind of person

Xena -Friend
, Xena is very smart and fun to be around. I enjoy her company a lot and (Maybe I like her a bit more then friends). We met as I go to the museum a lot and one time she invited me on a night time excursion to find some ghosts. I don't believe in them but I enjoy going for her

Gem -Friend, Gem is a silly guy he follows Xena around a lot. I find him amusing. Xena has quite interesting friends and I'd like to get to know them better

Cas -Friend?, I don't really agree with a lot of the things Cas does but when he's with us he seems to mellow out

 Hope 56, Physiotherapist 
Johnathon 53, Veterinarian
Younger Sister: Leanne 22, Student
Younger Brother: Arnold 18, Student