Aggie's Comments

> disaster teeth
> multi-colored freckles on his pink skin; black freckles concentrate around his stripes on white skin
> freckles on his cheekbones (not over his nose), collarbone, shoulders, arms, backs of his hands, knees, shins, and the base of his tail. lots!
> black stripes spiral around his limbs and end in points behind relevant joints

> back of his jacket is dark green like the pockets
> jacket tails split over his tail
> pants have a tail cuff that matches the leg ones

Other Things:
> pretty big, tall dude but not particularly stacked or anything; he just does physical labor often
> dragonfruit man...

Gruff and standoffish as an act. Very down-to-earth and honest, would always prefer to be talking about his garden. Kind of sad and ponderous when he's not distracted by an activity.

Romeo & Aggie's relationship changes dramatically over the course  of their story - Romeo begins as an antagonist in Aggie's eyes trying  to force him away from his lifestyle, and they fight constantly. He  can't help but be kind at heart, though, and as soon as he catches wind  of Romeo's lasting trauma he makes a point of weaseling it out of the  little guy, even if theyre a drama queen. After some time and harsh but  necessary truths, Aggie respects Romeo deeply & finds comfort in  knowing they understand him and his problems and still want him around.

drawing them at any point along their journey is fair game!