


"Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe. I feared for your life."

Avalon is a young woman with a gift for magic and potions. She was born in a village, just outside the capital. The first few years of her childhood were great, filled with love and kindness, as well as fun. But once her powers came through, her parents began to fear her. Instead of helping her to control the powers, she was told to hide them. And once she couldn’t control them anymore, Avalon and her parents were forced to flee the village. They traveled for weeks, trying to find new places to live, and once they found a new home, Avalon’s parents gave it one more shot at a good life. However, because Avalon couldn’t control her powers, their fear of their daughter grew to the point where they threw Avalon out and told her to never come back. She was exiled from that village, and had to make it on her own. She was only 14 at the time, and managed to survive on her own. She hid for years, living in solitude and teaching herself how to use her magic to stay alive. Because she’s been on her own for so long, Avalon has become incredibly shy and somewhat frightened of human contact. She normally is only surrounded by animals or nothing at all, and hasn’t spoken to a human in ages. Sometimes, she forces herself to go into a city for supplies, but never speaks more than a few words, and avoids contact with others whenever she can. She often feels as if she’s not good enough, and as though everyone will hate her. When she does come into contact with a person, she hides her powers. She grows her own herbs in her yard near her tiny cottage, and uses the herbs for food and potions. She’s very good at healing, and often helps wounded animals with her potions or magic.

One day while hunting for herbs in the woods, Avalon found a wounded man on the verge of death. Despite her shyness she decided to help him and took him back to her house to nurse him back to health. When the guy woke up, she found out his name was Avis. Soon after, Avalon got attacked by a mage who was after her magic powers. Avis defended her, and decided to stay and continue to protect her as a thank you for saving his life. 

profile html by Hukiolukio