Judge the Butcher



3 years, 9 months ago


A nefarious butcher who sells only 'mystery' meat in a small southern ghost town.

Judge went to the same college as Corbin, but was expelled for excessive violence. They both shared the same beliefs against the government and were close friends until Judge decided to continue his father's small buisiness in butchering after losing his degree. Corbin furiously called him out and never spoke to him again. Judge took this heavily on his shoulders, until the weight of his guilt spilled over him. After being stalked, robbed, and attacked in the small town of Gutslough, the pressure of being someone else's prey cracked him, and he stopped selling meat that came from herbivores. Although there was no supply of the venison, beef, or pork that kept the business afloat, the shop didn't close. Instead, Judge began selling meat that no one could recognize. Being the only supplier of meat to a town of carnivores, there were no other alternatives for the citizens, so they quieted their aggression. As his cuts of mysterious meat grew in inventory, the population around him dwindled...

Corbin and Judge are now on speaking terms, but only for business as of the moment. Judge internally cares deeply for Corbin, but knows point blank that he will never return his feelings.