Tarado Marami






 Name  Tarado Marami
 Occupation  Barber / Dancer
 Age  9.6 sweeps
 Troll Tag  innovativeBreakdancer
 Gender  Male
 God Tier  Heir of Space
 Blood Color  Gold
 Lunar Sway  Prospit
 Height  6'1"
 Voice x
 Sexuality  Pan, no lean
 Theme Smile


troll tik toksocializationdancing and parkourgetting to know clients


scary highbloodsstage frightstruggling to make rentmost foods not prepaired by baxtie




Tarado always puts himself in a good mood, whether it's a bad day or not. Seeing smiles on other trolls's faces is enough to keep him happy and going. Even if he doesn't get the amount of likes he wanted, or a client doesn't give a big enough tip, he's easy to brush it off.


The gold blood is always seeking opportunities to give to those in need, especially if it uses something he's good at. If you need him to dance in a show, he'll do it at little to no charge. Need a haircut, it'll be fast, easy, and relatively cheap. He's very selfless, for the most part.


While he may be depicted as a carefree and compassionate, he does tend to get very absorbed in his passions. There's not very many trolls that can beat him in his craft, so he will get upset if he finds out someone's better than him. He wants to be seen as the best, considering the amount of effort he puts into everything.




 Current Day 




Baxtie Lanoth  [ matesprit ]

Tarado's treats his darling matesprit with a lot of respect and kindness, already to the point where he would probably reject anyone else's cooking. They love each other a lot.


Dexiel Ivanou  [ moirail ]

These two genuinely wouldn't have met if it weren't for troll tik tok. Dexiel offered for Tarado to star in music videos, and of course he did. The two spend a lot of time singing and dancing together.


Kazdal Balhik  [ kismesis ]

During a practice for one of Dexiel's music videos, Tarado came across this prick who decided that the gold wasn't worth his time. The more they performed together, the more their rivalry blossomed into a kismesistude.


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