


7 years, 3 months ago


Full name: Nico Vicario
Age: 38
Birthday: August 19th
Height: 5'11"

Born to a high ranking Angel and a human father, Nico grew up on his dad's farm in Southern Texas for the majority of his childhood until both of his parents seemingly spent less and less time together.
As a child, he wasn't able to fully understand that his father, Vega, has important heavenly duties to attend to that required long leaves from the house. At some point he just assumed his dads divorced but he was raised to be an upstanding gentleman by both. 

His true heritage was kept secret from him his entire life and only began exploring his latent powers into his early adulthood to save someone in an emergency. Having a super hero-esque awakening, he made a secret identity and even a costume in order to help out those in need. That's how he met his now husband, Tsubaki, and he is so far the only person that knows the local super hero is Nico. 

When he's not being a hero, his main job is being a variety video game streamer. Angels have naturally high charisma and seeing that Nico is half-Angel, he quickly garnered an audience and is an incredibly successful artist as well.

He also has a boyfriend with the biggest knockers you've ever seen on a man. huge ones even.