


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Bezek
Called Bezek
Age 5
Gender Stallion
Species Equine
Height 15.3
Alignment Darkish Light
Magic Control of Lightning

Can cause small bolts of lighting to hit him or his close surroundings and light up his previous lightning scars. He is able to call these larger bolts once in a blue moon. He has to be incredibly focused, and it leaves him drained and emotionally unstable and normally results in a short fuse on his anger. When emotional or incredibly focused, his electrical energy can be felt by others, causing a crackling sound or an extreme feeling of static electricity that causes hair to stand on end or a small shock when touching others or other things.


  • Rain Storms
  • Wattson
  • Pop Music
  • Love at First Sight


  • Losing Control
  • Wattson
  • Chasing Things
  • Being Serious


Coming Soon/p>


Really just lives to make trouble and is an ass. Though he may seem oblivious, he knows exactly what he is doing and is pretty smart. He loves to annoy others, and lives for conflict. Not much really offends him, but he enjoys watching others try. He loves torturing poor Wattson, because it provides entertainment. When he actually gets offended or angry, its pretty obvious. He can't always control it, but lightning strikes or if underground his old scars on his face pulse and glow for a few seconds, then he can normally get it back under control. When he reaches the danger point, his it can be felt through out the room. He crackles with electricity that can cause others hair to stand on end, or if he touches someone a small shock can happen.


Wattson. Small scraggly black cat. His fur is singed in some places, completely gone in others, but all always standing on end. If he is sitting on Bezek's back, he twitches like being electrocuted with every moment. Bezek constantly tortures Wattson because he thinks he is fun, and he's an ass. Wattson attempts to provide a moral compass for Bezek, though Bezek rarely listens. Though Bezek pretends he doesn't care much for the cat, he'd be a bit lost without him./p>



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Character [ relationship ]

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