


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Selphegor Ordo
Age 21 years
Build Slender//31 cm
Species Gemdolls (CS by Withy)
Gender Male
OrIent. Gay
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Porcelain-Monarch
relationship status Single
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • He usually has an almost all-white design, his eyes are a pale red but his pupils are white as well!
  • The mist ring, gem and doll-joints are important species traits!
  • If he‘s doing business, his hair is slacked back and he usually wears jewellery and fancy clothes
  • His colors change if he either very emotional (red) or burying his emotions so they don‘t get in the way (black)

Selphegor is usually a friendly and fair monarch. Especially to his friends he can be very sweet and enjoys giving them presents and inviting them to teaparties, should his work allow him the time.
Even if he seems very composed most of the time, he actually get‘s stressed very easily.
He is very good at reading people and can usually pick up on someones intention the moment they greet him. He‘s also amazing at getting dolls on his side, or manipulating someone to do exactly what he wants, even without using his magic.
Selphegor doesn‘t trust many dolls, he doesn‘t like to give anyone who he doesn‘t trust 100% any of his work, which makes him constantly overworked. Ruling a domain all by oneself is a LOT of work. But he still loves his country and would give everything he has to make it prosper.


  • Selphegor is a very busy doll and always has tons of paperwork to do (he‘s desperately looking for assistants)
  • Sometimes he disappears for a short while to one of his two favorite spots to relax...but never too long since he‘s very responsible
  • His red-haired state is feared by all of his workers since he‘s very irritable and blows up on anyone that does even the tiniest mistake then (he‘s usually very calm)
  • The black-haired form is also not to underestimated, being a state where he shuts away his emotions and gets very calculative. He may also use this if he gets emotionally hurt, so it‘s something to worry about when he‘s in it for longer than a few hours
  • His free time is mostly just a few hours a week, he‘s lucky if he can get a whole free day in a month (he IS lord over his realm and his work isn‘t replaceable as long as he doesn‘t have a trustful assistant)

(german below)

"Order & Contract"

Glaselement Hand/Unterarm "Order"
Setzen eines befehlenden Siegels

Anwendung auf Dolls/Begleiter (lebende Wesen)
Bedingung: Körperkontakt mit seiner Handfläche und Setzen des 'Siegels'*
Er kann dem Berührten seinem Willen unterwerfen, Wirkung dauert je nach Gegenwehr 5 Minuten bis zu einer Stunde (=so lange nur wenn der Befehl bewusst und ‚freiwillig’ erhalten worden ist oder es die Doll nicht interessiert). Dabei entsteht eine gewisse telepathische Verbindung, die aber KEINE Kommunikation erlaubt sondern nur in eine Richtung funktioniert.
*Siegel verblasst nach Ablauf der Wirkung

Glaselement Unterleib "Contract"
Bindender Vertrag

Mit diesem Glaselement kann er einen bindenden Vertrag zwischen sich und einer anderen Doll aufsetzen. Dieser MUSS immer von ihm persönlich geschrieben sein. Er kann keinen Vertrag ohne das Einverständnis der anderen Doll machen. Der Vertrag tritt erst dann in Kraft wenn er und die andere Doll ihn unterschrieben haben und er sein Siegel darunter gesetzt hat. Der Vertrag ist auf höchstens 3 Klauseln beschränkt, für jede Klausel muss die Doll etwas anbieten was sie verliert wenn die entsprechende Klausel gebrochen wird (üblich sind bei ihm Fähigkeiten, Körperteile, Erinnerungen, seltener materielle Dinge).*
Eine 'Notbremse' gibt es nur, wenn die Klausel in seiner Anwesenheit gebrochen wird und er entscheidet, die Strafe nicht zu vollziehen und den Vertrag zu annullieren. Wenn dies aber nicht gleichzeitig mit dem Bruch geschieht, kann auch er nichts mehr tun.

Häufige Klauseln:
"Du wirst mich niemals in irgendeiner Weise verletzen"
"Du wirst mich nie hintergehen"
"Du wirst mich niemals anlügen"
"Du wirst meine Befehle jederzeit und bestmöglich ausführen"
"Du wirst mich nie für einen anderen Herren verlassen"
"Du wirst mir immer treu sein"

*verlieren heißt in den meisten Fällen das etwas unbrauchbar wird, zB wenn jemand seinen Arm versprochen hat würde dieser Arm bei einem Vertragsbruch gefühllos und unbeweglich werden, bei den Augen würde die Sehkraft verloren gehen etc

"Order & Contract"
Bei einer Anwendung von beiden Glaselementen kann er, mit vollem Einverständnis der anderen Doll, ein dauerhaftes Siegel setzen. Dadurch hat er, anders als bei einem normalen Einsatz von "Order“, keine volle Kontrolle, aber die andere Doll kann seine Stimmung einfangen (kein richtiges Gedankenlesen, mehr eine leichte Ahnung/Sensitivität dafür was der Herr denn jetzt schon wieder möchte zB wann er lieber alleine gelassen werden will, welche Teesorte er gerade möchte, wenn ihm langweilig ist) und danach handeln. Aber sie kann dies auch ignorieren.


When Selphegor was born, he didn‘t get much of a break. He got the bare minimum on how to rule, which he now thinks was pretty useless, and immediately got shipped off to the domain that was then declared his. 

The reason why he didn‘t get any proper schooling was because the former master over this domain had disappeared without any warning, and had never taken an official successor. This former ruler was beloved by his people, but he also lacked any interest in administrative work, leaving a big chaos behind. And now it was up to Selphegor to not mess it up any further.

Selphegor did get some help, but most of the work and getting others to do anything was his doing. He didn‘t trust anyone so easily, which at least made no one get in his way too much. Through learning by doing and a bit of trial and error he managed to get hold of the domain. And then he went on to make it better than before...but this also meant that he got more and more work. He still had no one who he trusted enough to help him, so he more or less worked from morning to evening, signing papers, issuing orders, meeting other monarchs, holding audiences. It was a LOT. During this time, his color change made itself known. His hair suddenly got bright red one day, when nothing seemed to go right. For the first time, he actually got angry in front of other dolls and reprimanded them quite harshly.  It never took long, but his red form was quickly feared by all. Even more scary was when he got dark. This form is the opposite of the red one. He get‘s quiet and more manipulative and ruthless than ever. Shutting away all his feelings so he‘s able to fully concentrate and choose whatever is best for his domain. No matter what.
He eventually learned to get into the black form at will.

Now, his domain is a trader‘s heaven and he has lots of connections. His next bigger project is to digitalize and modernize, especially the mounds of paper on his desk.


  • Beautiful things and dolls
  • If it‘s peaceful in his kingdom
  • A good chat with friends
  • Getting new trading partners
  • White and gold 
  • Being safe

  • War or danger to his kingdom
  • Being in danger himself
  • Risking to get damaged 
  • Having to watch out over so many things
  • Getting stresses
  • Dolls who don‘t agree with him without a good reason

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.