


3 years, 8 months ago


Shielan (n.) --> wanderer. From the words: shia (to wander) + lan (person)

Alternate spellings: Shielani (f.), Shielanas (m.)

Solas Romance, removes Vallaslin, Post Tresspasser she goes back to her clan to get vallaslin redone, esp since she did drink from the well and Mythal and all. Post Tresspasser has a very cutesy relationship with Harding

Random info pasted from a cat, needs to be properly formatted

She joined the inquisition to study, particularly dragons. She left her home because she wanted to go to the University, but learned pretty quickly as a Dalish that might not be the best course of action. She makes good friends with Professor Frederick and he promises her someday to take her with him for study. She def is eager to learn, always asking questions about things, and not afraid to speak her mind. That's probably what attracted him in the first place, the questions, the seeking of knowledge. She's a hunter when she was still with the clan, although she took to a crossbow rather than a normal bow. It's one of the things that makes her stand out, she's eager for advancement and trying new things and technology. While she understands the dalish history is important, she doesn't hold onto it as tightly as many others, and is more than willing to accept the loss of her vallaslin for what it stood for. The elves should be moving forward and not be stuck in the past. There's no use lamenting things lost, no progress can be made that way. But she also feels the dalish need to stand apart from humans, not become "flat ears" so to speak. She's very forward thinking, although once she finds out who Solas is, she's pretty upset over that, feels like he's been lying and she has a hard time trusting anything he taught her. She spends plenty of time with him while he works on the frescos, asking questions and learning whatever she can from him, although a lot of the questions do end up circling back around to dragons. Do you think their breath weapon is magic from the fade, do they dream, have you seen dragons in the fade, can a dragon be possessed, why do you think theyre more resistant to the red lyrium, tell me of mythal and dragons, lmao you get the idea.

She's also asexual. His romance was left pretty open ended on if they did sleep together or not, and I decided with her they didn't. She likes physical comfort, hugs, kisses, touches, but the act of sex does not appeal to her at all. If he asked, she would probably do so for him, but she wouldn't get any enjoyment out of it, and I like to think they've had a discussion on it and he isn't going to push her boundaries unless she brings it up.

She very much loves Mythal, could be the dragon thing lmao. In her playthrough, she drinks from the well, but in my canon run Julia had Morrigan do it, so I'm not 100% how I want the story to play out with the both of them. I am heavily considering thinking she did it. Mythal is just her. post tresspasser she gets her vallaslin back when she returns to her clan to let them know everything that happened, but of course at the point you're writing, that wouldn't have happened. She is stong in her faith that Mythal is still around (which ofc got confirmed for her, only making her feel even stronger for the woman), and I sometimes wonder if perhaps solas would be jealous of that? maybe something to write, or not, feel free to leave that out if you don't think it fits him, as I'm flip flopping on if it fits him or not.

She has a hard time staying in one place for long. She seems to have endless energy and is more than happy to take fade trips during sleep and hikes and longer trips while awake.

Does she lean into her romo feelings or is she more of a super strong platonic relationship with some romo sprinkled in? Or somewhere in between? Somewhere in between. She loves going places and seeing things, sweet gestures, travelling together. Works great with Solas and his dreams (and out in the wilds too time to time) and also with Harding later post tresspasser. Kisses and such are fine, some groping is okay but after a bit gets to make her uncomfortable. But dates and sweet things are perfect. Also she is not inquisitor, she exists at the same time as Julia, my inky, so no missing hand, anchor crazy stuff here. She does a lot of mapping and prefers to get hands on for research instead of reading and study