


3 years, 8 months ago


Jasper's about half human, a quarter angel, and a quarter demon. This is very unfortunate for him in my settings, since children had by an angel and demon run a risk of essentially being born with their blood fighting itself. It's essentially life with fire running through their veins. This is a chronic issue Jasper has grown up with since one of his parents was one such being, and it was unfortunately passed down to him. There are several methods to making life more bearable, one of which is to find the vice or virtue one's lineage is most closely related to and leaning hard into it to overpower the other part. Sadly his father had no idea what said lineage was, and attempts for Jasper to learn most easily revealed greed to be related to the demon side...so he became a con man. He's not bad at heart though, he just wants to live with less pain without having to turn to drugs or alcohol...so he works his way into stealing money, but he's very careful not to ruin anyone. He takes money, keeps what he needs to get by, and donates the rest anonymously. His victims often have to pinch pennies for a while, but he makes sure they won't wind up homeless as a result of his actions. He feels incredibly guilty about it, but not guilty enough to stop.