
3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Rachel (Ray)


24 yrs




Pure Inkdrian




This page is a work in progress. I'll be adding stuff here later.

Inkdrians are a semi closed subspecies of seedrian. Read about them here, and see their toyhouse world here!

Ray. A relatively young inkdrian. She somehow found herself into the thieves' guild. And she isn't a typical thief.

After finding a passionate interest in ancient artifacts in her youth, she felt destined to find and collect them all. She isn't interested in the monetary value of ancient items, because she sees them as priceless. She adores them for their cultural value... The past associated with them, and the effort that it took to get them. 

She is very desensitized to death. Since her mother pursued a career involving close contact with bodies, Ray herself became acquainted with the concept of them. While she never saw her own kind dead, she's familiar with many mobian bodies. This relaxed perspective of death made her hobby of raiding tombs not a traumatizing experience, but an enjoyable one.

She sells the artifacts which she deems uninteresting or against her own interests, which makes her gain enough profits to live comfortably. She targets weaker, unkept burial sites, where nobody would really miss. She's gained impressive skill with finding them... collecting older papers, tracing back the history of artifacts, and of course, she's very proficient with her dungeoneering skills. She also has a few pieces of technical equipment which allows her to find and explore the dark tombs with ease. She lives alone as a traveler, and has very little bonds with anyone else.