Heartbeat Vyrm



3 years, 8 months ago


A particularly popular species in vyrmseer circles due to its positive effects and friendly personality, the heartbeat vyrm generates around loud noise, especially preferring rhythmic sound. They are very common in and around nightclubs and concert halls, but any extended loud sound can invoke the vyrms to show up. Though uncommon, they have also been seen cropping up in the open during thunderstorms.

The heartbeat vyrm never stops moving. A seemingly endless fountain of energy, it always runs, bounds, dances and wiggles, as if to some music only it can hear. Every heartbeat vyrm has its own "beat", and its precise energy level directly connects to the speed of this internal metronome, its every action happening in-time when possible. It seems annoyed by music that does not sync with its beat.

Vyrmseers near a given heartbeat vyrm (within a range of about two feet) begin to experience the vyrm's "beat" over the course of about ten minutes. Starting as a vague, rhythmic thrumming in one's ears, it soon escalates to a pulsing in the chest- akin to heart palpitations, but not affecting the vyrmseer's circulatory system proper- accompanied by a surge of overwhelming energy. This can be somewhat dangerous while still in proximity, due to the alarming levels of energy given to the vyrmseer, but the aftereffects- lasting for several hours after exposure- are a more comfortable energy high, akin to caffeination, accompanied by increased focus and endurance.
