Redgrail Vyrm



3 years, 8 months ago


Generally seen as unpleasant and distressing by most vyrmseers, the redgrail vyrm is occasionally seen used by the more artistically-inclined as a symbol of gluttony, avarice and lust. It generates around food and alcohol, and is particularly common in wine cellars. Continuously oozing a deep red liquid from its eyes and mouth, the redgrail vyrm moves little, instead choosing to lay within arm's reach of a selection of liquor bottles or a pantry full of food and gorge itself. Its most common vocalization is a deep, gurgling chuckle.

Presented with a vyrmseer, the redgrail vyrm will smile and reach its front pair of arms towards them, laying its hands on their body (usually reaching for the arms, shoulders or midsection) with a surprisingly delicate touch, cooing and gasping as it feels around. This is obviously uncomfortable for a vast majority of vyrmseers and, as such, contact is rarely mantained for more than a second or two. (One would probably rather not think about those who don't find it uncomfortable.)

Proximity to the redgrail vyrm causes a mild deadening of senses, particularly touch, taste and smell. This rarely manifests as much more than, say, a given food being a bit less flavorful than usual. Being touched by a redgrail vyrm causes a much more major sensory deadening, greatly hampering a vyrmseer's ability to experience sensations of any sort. A lover's kind touch feels like little more than pressure on the skin, a delicious meal tastes like cardboard, lovely flowers lose their scent. As a result, an affected vyrmseer will often pursue more and more unusual and intense sensations in an attempt to feel anything. In both cases, this sensory deadening lasts for anywhere from one to ten weeks, often resulting in severe sensory overload and panic as the body is forced to readjust to normal senses.
