Logan Cassidy Baker



3 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info
Logan Cassidy Baker
Agender (AMAB; any pronouns)
White (French, German, British descent)
Werewolf (ex-human)
5’11” (~180cm)
Anything he dubs “cute”, which means his fashion sense is all over the place.
David Rose from Schitt’s Creek
Lives with his dad in Seven Oaks, New York
??? (He doesn’t like labels. He knows he’s into men but isn’t sure how he feels about women.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ullamcorper, est a convallis mollis, lectus augue lacinia neque, non pretium purus ipsum in turpis. Donec elit sapien, facilisis sed arcu eu, rutrum sollicitudin lorem. Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non. Integer vitae ornare sapien. Sed eu arcu id elit lobortis ornare id at est. In iaculis mi a odio accumsan aliquet eget eget odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus tristique sapien sed lacinia dapibus. Maecenas elit nisl, commodo vitae turpis quis, ultrices pretium leo. Vestibulum sed metus neque. Morbi congue pretium augue sed convallis. Nunc in lectus ac nunc mollis tempor.

Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac. Etiam nec nisi orci. Donec sed lacinia dui, a accumsan ex. Quisque facilisis tortor sit amet interdum hendrerit. Donec gravida, justo sed facilisis laoreet, urna est pharetra ligula, non faucibus dolor magna quis ligula. Etiam pulvinar nunc eget neque euismod placerat. Mauris purus orci, volutpat ut quam non, imperdiet vulputate ante.

  • Non-chordate animals (mainly arthropods but he thinks mollusks are cool, too.)
  • Mushrooms (Now that he lives in a wooded area, he likes to go shrooming in the fall. He thinks other species of fungi are cool, too.)
  • Most plants
  • History (The older the better. Middle Ages and back is the sweet spot. Ask him about Rome and he’ll talk for days.)
  • Fashion (he coordinates his outfits whenever he leaves the house, even if he’s just going to the store or something)
  • Music (he likes most music but Lemon Demon or Jack Stauber is probably his favorite?)
  • Furbies (he has a long furby.)
  • Summer AND winter (he grew up in a desert and hates heat but he isn’t acclimated to northeastern winters anymore and freezes so :/ )
  • Water (he doesn’t like the taste nor does he like getting wet if he’s not taking a shower)
  • Children (he can be civil with like, pre-teens, because they sometimes buy stuff at the bakery, but otherwise Please God No. They’re too LOUD.)
  • Meat (Even If raised ethically it‘s still kinda gross... Especially when raw.)
  • Capitalism (Money is stupid and he doesn’t like supporting companies that violate human rights on the reg, but he’s kinda poor so he doesn’t have a choice sometimes :( )
  • Rain (and thunder.)
  • Shellfish (he’s allergic and even if he wasn’t....he has pet crabs. He wouldn’t wanna eat anything like his babies.........also, he finds fish in general gross.)
  • Photography
  • Knitting
  • Sculpting
  • Hiking/Camping/Just hanging out in nature?
  • Listening to audio books (easier for him to concentrate on than reading, plus he can multitask. He also likes podcasts.)
  •   Collecting stuff (just anything cool he finds on the ground)
  • hidden talent?
  • He will stim if he wants to, fuck you if you have a problem with it. (Common ones are hand flapping, humming, pacing, and rocking, but by no means are those the only ones)
  • Says acronyms out loud a lot rather than what they stand for (tbh, imo, etcetera)
  • Cries easily
  • When caught off guard (in terms of being talked to) he either stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time or stammers like an idiot 😔
Pet Peeves
  • Being startled
  • Being called “sir” or “(young) man”
  • Particularly noisy birds
  • Crying children in public 
  • Emetophobia
  • Nyctophobia (specifically being outside  at night)
  • Thalassophobia (he likes sea creatures but the ocean itself gives him the creeps)
  • Pyrophobia

Born February 26th, 1999, to Dave and Julia Schatz (née Baker), Logan had a pretty good childhood, all things considered; he wasn't aware of the tension between his parents as a kid (looking back on it now it seems obvious) until they got divorced—he took it really poorly at first, being separated from his dad (with uncommon visits because of distance.) and moving to the opposite side of the country.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus in fermentum magna, vel bibendum ligula. Quisque sed ligula vel odio vehicula vulputate in at nulla. Phasellus consequat quis nulla id molestie. Nam feugiat augue leo, ut pharetra nisi dictum nec. Aenean diam odio, aliquam et lacus non, bibendum tempor felis. Integer vehicula euismod ipsum, ut mollis elit. Vestibulum a mauris eu massa mollis auctor. Pellentesque vel ex eleifend, pharetra justo eget, congue risus. Donec posuere velit non sem tincidunt vestibulum. Ut semper pharetra ante, ut mollis quam porttitor placerat. Morbi ac accumsan tortor, vitae hendrerit lorem. Donec nisi diam, scelerisque eget lacus eu, rutrum tempor est. Curabitur non nisi ante. Ut tempor nec risus at hendrerit. Cras facilisis ex eu tellus scelerisque volutpat. Cras sit amet iaculis tortor.

Vivamus facilisis felis ac mauris porttitor maximus eu quis orci. Sed felis velit, gravida at tortor eget, scelerisque tristique purus. Sed pellentesque viverra nunc, a pellentesque velit ultricies a. Duis iaculis massa nec elit aliquam aliquam. Nunc magna mi, malesuada in nulla ac, luctus lobortis leo. Sed sed diam eu nisi suscipit cursus. Etiam tempor diam vel mauris efficitur, ut malesuada dui eleifend. Proin fermentum, lorem non facilisis auctor, velit ipsum pellentesque nibh, eu interdum tortor risus lacinia magna. Nunc feugiat erat ut enim dictum, id efficitur magna interdum. Suspendisse ultricies est sit amet arcu congue, in tempus lectus commodo. Praesent id cursus felis, sed feugiat lectus.


Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
  • ● He was a vegetarian before becoming a werewolf; he’s upset about being an obligate carnivore but at least he can just buy meat from the Messers and feel pretty ok about it.
  • ● He can run in heels 😳
  • ● He has autism (diagnosed with aspergers as a little kid) and ADHD! Maybe also kleptomania, but he keeps quiet on that unless he absolutely can’t.
  • ● His favorite color is lavender, but he likes most colors! He doesn’t like really bright colors though—they hurt his eyes sometimes and he’s adamant that he can’t pull off outfits that are primarily bright colors.
  • ● When he blushes, it starts at his nose and spreads from there as it gets worse.
  • ● He mostly goes by Logan but also likes his middle name enough to respond to it and most nicknames based off it.

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