Vin-Grace Vilegrave



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Vin-Grace Vilegrave

Gender: Cis Male 

Age: ???? Immortal 

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Vernist (VerNay)

Birthplace: VerNay

Species: Half-Koroblin, more on the human side

Personality: Vin-Grace is cool headed, and a very friendly man. He treats most people as if there a part of the family. He's very good at being people together. But he can be bad at understanding modern life and modern problems. Tho he still tries his best to help. He can often treat his younger siblings like there still kids no matter how old they really are. Vin-Grace can often be stuck in a "Better then you" World view.  

Occupation: Magical Healer, And resucher into Healing magics. 

Pathfinder Class: Cleric

Biography: Vin-Grace has all ways been very close to his father solomon. For the longest time it was hard to see one and not the other. Vin-Grace was all ways better with talking to people and knowing just what to say. While Solomon tends to have more compassion and passion for helping others. Vin-grace tends to think of the bigger picture, think of the long run. But as time went on the two spilt ways, Vin-Grace started to focus more on protecting one area of the word rather then the whole thing. Making one city (for the most part) a great place to live. Vin-Grace has all ways focused more on magic that can be used to heal or protect people, only using necromancy every now and then. 

View on being Immortal: It's a duty, our God needs someone to take care the world. And i'm willing to take that duty, no matter how long this duty will bem

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