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3 years, 9 months ago



Powerful Leader and Warrior of Inada


Name Kishan Fairbreeze
Alias Kishan
Gender Male
Age Adult (26)
Birthday July 12th
Sexuality Bisexual (preference towards women)
Alignment Good
Occupation Ruler of India
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Voiceclaim link


JAIA [ Twin Sister ]
Kishan and Jaia are really close to eachother. They are always here for eachother, and are almost always in perfect harmony. It will be very rare to see them fight or argue over something.
Playlist link
REOGAN [ Father ]

Kishan hates his father. He used to feel huge admiration for him, as he was his biggest model in life and he admired him for his strenght and elegance.

Then, his dad started training his twin sister instead of him, which deeply upset and hurt him, wanting his father's love and attention more than anything else. This was until he found out how horrible of a father Reogan had been to Jaia, abusing her and trying to turn her into a weapon for his own likings. Once he found that out, he went to confront and fight his father, which almost got him killed. He came out of the fight being unable to speak due to the damage, but also full of hatred for his now vanished father. If he ever sees him again, he will finish him for good, this time.

MADISON [ Mother ]

Kishan felt a lot of love for his mother, admiring her sweetness and gentleness. She was always so caring to him, and he loved to spend time with her while his father was busy with Jaia. This made him much closer to Madison, compared to Jaia's relation with her mother.

Even if the shock made her freeze and watch her son almost die by the hands of her husband, Kishan never blamed her for it, feeling compassion and understanding towards her. He tried to make Jaia understand this, and it saddened him she never came to forgive her mother for not acting and not seeing what her husband did to her and himself. Their mother was one of the rare topics the twins could fight over. At her passing, Kishan was left extremely hurt and saddened.

LEANDER [ Brother in law ]

Kishan dislikes Leander and his absolute elegance and charm. He would have disliked anybody who would have become this close to Jaia, almost as close as he was to her, and Leander was no different.

He was protective of his sister and worried for her, but he has to admit he trusts his brother in law with his sister's life, being proven over the years many times he is ready to give up his life for his partner. That doesn't make him less annoying, though.

SARME [ Father Figure and Mentor ]

Ever since he was a pup, Sarme always took care of Kishan and his twin sister. He was ready to protect them with his life if needed and altough he was cold and grumpy, he was always ready to watch over them and spend time with them when Kishan's parents couldn't.

He taught Kishan how to fight, since his father wouldn't take the time to and Sarme was a brilliant fighter, being the second in command of the kingdom's army. Altough he doesn't show it often, Kishan knows how much Sarme cares for the two of them and the young ruler loves him so much for that. As soon as the twins took over the kingdom, they made Sarme one of their closest advisors.

IRIS [ Close friend, Wife ]

Iris and Kishan met when the kingdom was attacked. Iris's home had been burned down by the ennemies and her big brother, killed. She felt such a pain, she didn't even want to fight for her life anymore.

She had been living with her brother for years now, and he had been her best and only friend. It was when Kishan, their lord, came to aid them, protect them and find them a new home, to her and all of the other villagers who had lived the same pain as her, that a small bit of hope came back inside her. He found them a home in a beautiful place as promised, and during those few months together, a close bond already had the time to grow. After he went back to his mansion, he started visiting her, and then she started to visit him as well. When Jaia passed away during the great war, Iris was there to support him in his huge pain, knowing how he felt. She was there to make him eat and move a bit when he didn't want to get out of bed anymore, staying close to him at all times. And once things started to get a bit better for him, he finally came to accept the romantic feelings he felt for her, which she also had been feeling for him for years now, and they married, finishing their days together as a happy couple with a few children.

GROUP [ Relationship ]

Short summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem.

GROUP [ Relationship ]

Short summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem.

GROUP [ Relationship ]

Short summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem.

GROUP [ Relationship ]

Short summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem.


Basic Personality

  • Teasing
  • Fair
  • Kind
  • Strong-headed
  • Impulsive
  • Vengeful
  • Empathetic

Personality Description

In public, Kishan will show himself as a royal, elegant, powerful and strong ruler. He is fair and kind to his subjects, and takes the time to hear their complaints as long as they are said respectfully. He values equality and respect towards all, and wants to fight any kind of injustice in his kingdom. So, he does everything in his power to make his kingdom a better place along with his twin sister. Behind his royal mask, he is a teasing canine with a good humor. He is a jokester and loves to cheer the moods around him, when he's at least a bit close to the individual. He has learned not to trust everyone he encouters, but once you earnedh is trust and that he had the time to examine you, he will quickly warm up to you and be of great company. He is a generous, kind and understanding ruler.


• Kishan knows how to handle most meelee weapons, but his favorite is the katana
• content
• content
• content

Personality Breakdown













56/100 total


Fighting Style
Kishan fights in a close conbat style, fighting his oppoents face to face. He does not do any kind of malicious tricks during fights, no matter who he is fighting against for or for what. He wants to win a fight fair and square. His favorite weapon is the katana, and it's also what he is the most skilled at.

Special Skills
Kishan is an opponent to fear in close combat.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Close Combat
  • Katana fight
  • Hand fight
  • Ranged weapons
  • Long fights

Kishan is extremely skilled in any kind of close combat, wether it be with a weapon or with fists. But when it comes to ranged weapon combat, altough he knows how to aim and shoot, he is not good at it at all.


Health Rundown

Kishan has a normal health. He is lactose intolerant.

Physical Illnesses
  • none
Mental Illnesses
  • ADHD


Height 5'8
Weight 140 lb
Body Type Slim but muscular
Posture Royal and Elegant
Sex Male
Blood Type AB
Drinks? Sometimes
Smokes? Never
Drugs? No

Drugs and smoking never interested Kishan, so he never even tried them. As for drinks, he occasionally drinks whenever a great event happened or during parties.

Anatomical Anomalies



  • History
  • Sweet food
  • Adventures
  • Very hot temperatures
  • Spicy food
  • Getting dirty
  • Close combat
  • Playing the flute
  • Reading


"Quote" -NAME

"Quote" -NAME

"Quote" -NAME


Go to Pinterest board


Warning: This story contains potentially triggering themes. Mentions of death, abuse


Kishan was born to Madison and Reogan Fairbreeze, the leaders of India. He had a twin sister, Jaia. Since long ago, their royal family transferred, generation to generation, a gift of vision to each of their newborns genetically. Kishan got the gift as planned, but his twin didn't. Despite this, both of them grew up happily, surrounded by caring people. Madison, their mother, took care of them most of the time, making sure all of their needs were filled and that they were happy. Their father was too busy with the throne and his duties to take care of Jaia and Kishan until they were much older. Along with their mom, they also were surrounded by a few other faces they would grow up with, including Sarme, the second in command of the kingdom's army and Kurāken, the royal advisor. Sarme was always watching over them, making sure they didn't get into big troubles, protecting them. When Madison wasn't around, he was always the one following them like a shadow. Even when she was here, when they were too far from their mansion, he made sure all three of them were safe. As for Kurāken, he didn't really form a strong bond with the two heirs of the throne, rather giving advices to their parents about them and grounding them when Madison wasn't around to do it herself. Kishan felt a huge admiration for his dad, seeing him almost as a deity. He was so elegant and clever, always taking the best decisions for his kingdom. He was also very cool in combat, which made Kishan hope that one day, his father would personally train him to be just as good as him. But while they were just small children, Jaia and Kishan didn't bother too much about their future selves's problems and just spent all of their times playing together, rarely seeing other children since they didn't really go outside of the mansion. When they reached early teenagehood, everything changed. Their lives previously somewhat peaceful and normal for royalties, turned to something else when Jaia discovered she had ice and water powers at the age of 12. All of a sudden, all of the attention was on her, leaving Kishan jealous with a feeling of loneliness. He tried not to make all of this get in the way of their very close relation, but despite his efforts, he couldn't help but sometimes snap at his twin, partly blaming her for his feeling of abandonment. This lasted a couple of weeks until Jaia finally confronted him to ask him if anything was wrong, and he blew up on her in tears, explaining everything to his beloved sister. After this, both became even closer than before and Jaia made sure she at least always had time and attention for her left out twin. Soon enough, Kurāken made sure someone would help Kishan develop his gift of vision, while Reogan, the twins's father, started trying to help Jaia develop her powers. Once again, this made Kishan feel jealousy. He was the one who wanted to spend time with his father! Why couldn't he split his training time between the two of them, so that he could spend some quality time with his son as well? His twin sister was now often busy with training, which led Kishan to spend more time with his mother again. They bonded and grew closer to each other, Kishan confessing to her how he felt, which really helped him. Madison taught him how to sew, which he found relaxing and helped him be distracted from his dark thoughts about his father and Jaia. As for his gift of vision training, it didn't go very far. Kishan's gift was weak and couldn't go much farther, even with training. The only thing he could see in his sleep were quick images of the future, one or two of them. But even those images weren't important events, more stuff like what he would eat for breakfast in a week or where he would go the next day. The training was soon dismissed a few months later when his teacher realized this, which left him more time to think about all of the combat skills he could be learning with his father. Sarme probably noticed this, since shortly after his vision classes were over, he offered to personally train Kishan to be the best warrior in the kingdom. Sarme wasn't his glorious father, but he was also an awesome fighter, so Kishan accepted. Turns out the second in command was also a great teacher, patient but harsh when needing to. Kishan started to quickly learn, going from a weapon to another. This led him to soon try out the katana, which he found himself to adore and be excellent at, so this is what Sarme and him focused on mostly, without negletcting other weapons. The only ones Kishan turned out not to be naturally too good at were ranged weapons such as bows, but even then he figured it out and is okay with them, altough not great. Things started shifting about a year after Jaia started her magic training with Reogan.

Around a year after Jaia started her magic training with her father, she started coming back from her trainings with bruises and important wounds, along with a dark and closed look on her face. Kishan, already protective of his twin sister back then, started worrying. Altough he did still hangout daily with her, it wasn't nearly as much as before her magic training, so he thought that maybe she wouldn't tell him anything because she didn't feel close enough to him, which deeply upset and hurt him. He kept training with Sarme, and once during their training, he shared his worries with Sarme, who also noticed his sister's state. His mentor reassured him he did not think it had anything to do with him, but that it was much deeper with that. Sarme assured him he didn't know more than him, but that he knew for sure he was right. So, Kishan kept on spending a lot of his time with his trainer and his mother, keeping company to Jaia whenever she was free from her trainings who just kept on being longer and longer, day by day. And each day, she seemed to be worse than the previous one, both physically and mentally. Kishan tried many times to make her confess to him how she felt, assuring her it felt good and it would be less heavy on her shoulders, but that only led Jaia to snap at him more, tired of his constant requests about it. Kishan's worries grew bigger and he couldn't stop making ideas of what could be happening. They all lived in this hell for a few months, Kishan trying to cheer Jaia up whenever they were togheter. At first, he was able to make her crack smiles, but now she just seemed completely closed to anything, barely looking at him and responding to him in conversations. Then, one day, while they were walking on the beach that led to the sea next to the mansion, Jaia finally broke down, speaking up about all that her father had been doing to her. The waves crashing on the shore that day, his vision becoming darker and thinner and his heart stopping to beat are memories Kishan will never be able to forget. Jaia had told him how their father abused her in every way possible, and it had been lasting for a while now. He was also letting all of his anger and rage on his daughter, beating her up during trainings, forbidding her to fight back. Kishan had made up so many scenarios on what could have been happenimg, but he never somehow imagined Reogan could have been involved into it, even if Jaia's state visibly degraded during training. He was too grand, too clever, too brave to do any harm to his amazing daughter. No, it was imposible. But Jaia would never lie to him, and even less for something as big as this. After a long silence, when Kishan finally came back to his mind, he immediately got filled with rage. He wanted to avenge his dear twin, make his dad pay for everything he had done. Jaia tried to contain him, to tell him that confronting Reogan was the worst idea he ever had. Their father was too powerful, too strong. But Kishan didn't listen. He grabbed his katana and rushed to his father's room. As soon as he entered, he saw his father in a new light. He didn't even need to ask him if this was true. He didn't even want to give him a second chance. His eyes aflame, Kishan charged on the ruler of the kingdom, katana in his mouth. A fight then started, Reogan always having his favorite weapon near him. But Jaia was right, Reogan was too strong for Kishan, despite this one's constant training. His father slit his throat open, opening his vocal cord while doing so. Kishan fell on the ground, gasping for air. Jaia arrived seconds too late, witnessing the cut. Immediately, she reacted by attacking for the first time her father, almost killing him but letting him flee, not being able to do so. As soon as this was dealt with, she rushed to her twin, in tears. She temporarly closed the wound with ice. Madison arrived, seeing the carnage, in shock. Soon, Kishan was brought to the royal nurse. It took months of recovery, on the brink of death, but Kishan survived, coming out of this fight unable to speak due to the damage. He would never be able to tease his sister with his jokes verbally. He would never be able to scream his frustration. This took a toll on him, along with everything that had happened in the last few months. Madison was not interested by the throne, she never was. Which meant Jaia and him had to fight for the throne, being born at the same time. Both were weakened by all of the events, and even closer than ever before. They didn't want to fight, but neither of them felt ready to take over the kingdom. So, they did it together, despite this never having been done before.

Jaia and Kishan's reigh started roughly, the kingdom learning the news of what happened with their previous rulers. Not many liked him though, as he only cared about his kingdom's economy and was ready to sacrifice lives for it. The only ones who regretted he didn't rule longer were the rich individuals of the kingdom, who made profit off of the great economy and wealth of the kingdom. As soon as the twins took over, they started trying to make things better for their subjects. Kishan was learning sigh language with Kurāken and training with Sarme, while Jaia took time for herself to practice her powerful ice and water powers. Learning to know Kurāken better during their classes, Kishan found he was a clever, patient and foreseeing individual. This convinced him to keep in their royal council, since Jaia and him decided they couldn't rule over the kingdom on their own, even less at the young age of 15. But both of them were very wise and strong, coming out of all of their past challenges stronger and smarter. At first, their subjects had a lot of complaints. Jaia couldn't handle all of those wining people putting all of their misery on her, as if it was all her fault. At least, not when it was in front of her they were doing it. So, Kishan was the one who took care of taking the requests and bringing them up to his sister afterwards. This already made him start to be very loved from the kingdom, along with being a sigh of physical strenght for his subjects. The twins started changing things around, for the better. They redistributed most of the wealth their father kept for himself amongst the villagers so that they could afford a shelter and food, and made sure everyone could get a job to substain themselves. During their public speeches, Jaia was the one to speak up for the two of them, Kishan's inability making it very hard for him to do so. But after a few months of training sigh language, he was already starting to get much better at it and could communicate his present thoughts as well, and not jsut the ones he wrote on a paper for his twin. They were great rulers. When they were alone, Kishan and Jaia tried to cool down the pressure and stress from ruling by talking to their closer friends or themselves, practicing hobbies. It's around this time Kishan tried to play the flute for fun. This was a way for him to "have a voice", and even if at first he was terrible at it, after a bunch of practice it started sounding pretty good. About two years after Jaia and Kishan took over, an allied kingdom sent a call for help. They had been in war for months now, and their ennemies were winning. The only way for them to have a chance would be if a powerful mage could help them build protective walls and possibly assist them in the battle. Of course, reading this, Jaia volunteered. She was the perfect person for this kind of task, but this would mean she would be leaving Kishan alone for a few weeks, if not a few months, to rule over the kingdom on his own. She knew she would have never wanted that for herself, but Kishan, thinking about the good of others and the opportunity this was for his sister, let her know he would be alright. Inside, he was panicked and worried for his twin. What if something happened to her like something happened to him during a fight? What if she never came back? He trusted his sister's abilities, he had seen them in action a couple of times, both on training targets and in real life situations when needed, but it didn't stop him from being worried sick. He ruled over his kingdom on his own for two months, missing his sister so much and hoping she was alright. The three letters he had received since she left reassured him though. She was telling him what was happening, and great news, that they were starting to win the kingdom over again. Then, it was the twins's kingdom's turn to get attacked. The same ennemies as their allies went and tried to conquer their kingdom instead, trying to take advantage of the fact one of the two rulers of it was busy elsewhere. They attacked the royal mansion first, not wanting Kishan to communicate the danger to Jaia. The warrior defended himself, but his kingdom was in war and he had to defend it. So busy with preparing himself and his subjects to defend their kingdom, he forgot to write the bad news to his sister. Soon, the large army started taking over small parts of the kingdom closer to it's borders, which led Kishan and Sarme to lead a part of their elite army to them, accompanied by a few volunteers. Once they got there, the villages nearby were in flames and innocent were killed to spread terror. This put Kishan in such a state that he had no pity for his opponents, slaying them one by one, day by day. The larger part of the fight lasted a week. After this, the army separated itself in two groups; Sarme would lead the biggest one of them to chase the rest of the ennemies and take down the ones still trying to conqueer the kingdom, while Kishan's group would help the villagers in need and get them a safe place to stay at while the fights were still going. Some of them had lost their homes or family members, and Kishan did his best to be there for them and comfort them. The refugees trusted him with their lives and followed him deeper in the kingdom, where he found a safe place that only had a few inhabitants where those villagers could build their lives again, in safety. He stayed with them for three months, helping with the constructions of their homes and sustaining their needs. He made friends along the way, and met Iris, a kind, calm and wise she-wolf he quickly became really good friends with. She helped him calm down when he was too tensed and think about something else than all of his worries for Sarme, his army and Jaia. He had no way to write her letters now, since he had nobody in the camp that could carry them to Jaia for him. On the second month of this stay, Jaia headed back to her kingdom without him knowing.


Jaia, learning the news about her kingdom right before heading back, was worried sick for her twin, which she had not heard news of for quite a few months now. When she arrived, she saw him nowhere to be found, and one of the riyal guards still at the mansion let her know he had gone to the front with Sarme to push the ennemy away. Sarme arrived a few days after Jaia did, learning the news she was back. He told her what happened and how they separated, with no way to communicate. Both of them waited for the lord for a few weeks, Jaia slowly loosing hopes. She restarted taking over the Kingdom's leads, which Kurāken had been taking care of ever since Kishan had been gone. One day, a royal guard told her someone was waiting at the door that she would like to see immediately. Grumpy and still full of worries for her twin, she went to meet the visitor at the door, only to discover her dear brother, smilling. They hugged each other tightly, the gap that had been growing between them for the last couple of months immediately being filled again. They told each other all about their separate adventures, and Kishan let her know a bit about Iris, which he planned on visiting again soon. Jaia also slipped a word about a certain Leander, but she didn't elaborate on it so Kishan didn't think about it more than that. He was glad to have his sister back, and they caught up on those missed months by having conversations and doing things together outside of their royal duties. Kurāken had been distant with the two of them for a bit now, but they both knew he could be grumpy at times, so they left him alone. Kishan started visiting Iris every couple of weeks for a few days, rarely bringing Jaia with him since they needed someone to watch over the throne, and the way to the forest she now resided in being far from their mansion. They had wonderful moments together, and Kishan started considering the strong feelings he started feeling for her maybe being more than friendship, but for now he didn't want anything more than that so he didn't think about it much.

Leander also started visiting them in their kingdom at the mansion, which let him see who this mysterious dark knight was. It did not take him long to realize what Jaia and him had was much deeper than a simple friendship. At first, the lord was a bit annoying to the two of them. He was protective of his sister, and he wanted to make sure this was a good man. Even if he was though, that didn't mean he'd stop annoying him. Deep down, at first, he was hoping that would be enough to make him leave and never come back, but of course, it wasn't. He was grumpy his twin found someone she'd spend a lot of time with and love just as much as him, but after a few weeks, he finally came to accept it and managed to be happy for his sister. He did have to give it to Leander though, he was a pretty charming man. He knew he would have also perhaps let the temptation to be with him win if he was in Jaia's place. He was suave, elegant, charming and caring for her, along with being a formidable and good-looking fighter. So, Kishan slowly stopped annoying him as much, leaving the two of them time to be alone when Jaia wasn't the one visiting him. Soon enough, Leander, who was from the allied kingdom Jaia helped a bit more than a year ago, moved into their kingdom to be Jaia's own and permanent personal knight, always at her side to aid and protect her if needed. Both Kishan and Jaia knew she didn't need his protection, being far powerful enough to do that herself, but they also both knew Jaia loved having him around at all times. His twin did her best not to make out in front of him, knowing how it weirded him out (even if she found it pretty funny). They spent years and years in this peaceful atmosphere, of course sometimes having leader problem on their shoulders but still being able to appreciate their lives. Iris soon began to also visit Kishan at his mansion, but never for too long.


It was years and years later a new threat came upon them, bigger than anything they had faced before. An ennemy coming from the abyss of the sea had woken up, coming for them. For a while, they were unaware of the threat coming for them, living like they had been living the past few years of their lives. It was when an uprising of rebels started in a few villages of their kingdom that things really started. Jaia and Kishan believed in freedom of speech, as long as it was done without aggression. So, they seeked the advices of their closest counselors for the situation, not wanting to keep the rebels from speaking their minds but also not wanting to let it get worse. Those closest counselors included Sarme, the commander of their army and of course, Kurāken. Sarme only advised them to control the rebellions if it came to crimes and violence, while Kurāken encouraged the siblings to just let it go, stating that restraining them would only encourage more individuals to join the rebels. Listening to a bit of their two advisors, Jaia and Kishan let their citizens express themselves, until a small group of them started stealing and breaking things belonging to their rulers. Both of the twins, along with Sarme believed that it was time to let their army intervene to calm the rebellions who were quickly turning into riots, but Kurāken insisted to let it play out just a bit longer, that they would calm down by themselves if their rulers let them see that they wouldn't raise their force against their citizen so quickly. Altough unsure, both of the rulers after a conversation between just the two of them decided to give the plan of their advisor and mentor a chance, and let it play out for a few more weeks. Things gradually got worse, and it's when a few civilians ended up getting hurt that they called it enough and started letting the army put the worst ones in prison for a few months. The civilians's complaints (too many rules, the price of certain things that couldn't be helped and disagreeing with their leaders's way of ruling and their decisions) simply weren't serious enough to let them cause harm to other citizens.As they were trying to handle the ever so growing riot, busy with their kingdom's problems, they didn't see Kurāken slipping away more often than usual for longer periods of times. Sarme did though, and let them know of it, altough he wasn't very suspiscious of his old friend either, only slightly curious and concerned. It's about a week later that the two rulers were attacked... by the sea.

Their kingdom being close to the sea had always been an advantage, their fleet being incredible and not a lot of other kingdoms stupid enough to try and attack them from their strongest side. Altough all of the shore of their kingdom was guarded by posts, it wasn't for ships they had to watch out this time, but creatures coming directly from the sea. At the lead of those semi-aquatic creatures were Delorin, a powerful and cunning sea witch queen and Kurāken himself. He had always dreamed of ruling over the twins's kingdom and he had been aware all along of what Jaia and Kishan's father made his daughter endure back when he was still around, altough he had kept that for himself and had always been very quiet about it. Knowing that, he always had thought that Jaia would never be mentally stable enough to rule over the kingdom, seeing her state drastically go down when all of this went down. He also never had thought of Kishan as a ruler, he seemed too selfish and caught up in the loss of his sister to care about that. But faith had played with him and had kept him from this beautiful opportunity, being the twins's father's favorite adviser and friend. He was only friends with him for his power though, so his departure wouldn't have bothered him so much if Kishan and Jaia hadn't been so good at ruling over their kingdom. So when he met with Delorin, a ruler who's kingdom was falling into ruins and who needed a new home, they had made a deal to rule the twins's kingdom together, in exchange of their mutual help to conquer it. This new war, who had started horribly for Kishan and Jaia, lasted for only a few weeks. The first two weeks, Delorin and Kurāken had the advantage and ravaged trough the twins's fleet and army. Despite Kishan's great swordskills and Jaia's incredibly powerful powers, the ennemies were just too many, almost all of the sea witch's civilians being apart of her army for this deciding war for her kingdom. A lot of innocent citizens were killed during those first two weeks, Delorin only looking to conquer. She wouldn't have welcomed most of those civilians into her new kingdom anyways, so their death didn't aflict her much in her current mindset. It's after the first weeks that Jaia and Kishan saw a bit of hope when their allies came to aid them, just like they had aided them before. With Leander's kingdom by their side and two others, they started pushing back the sea creatures back where they came from. It's during a deciding battle that everything collapsed in Kishan's world.

The battlefield being large and plain due to all of the destruction that had happened in their kingdom, it was becoming harder and harder for non-magic users not to get killed while running into battle, the spells of the adversary side killing them before they could even reach them. It's during that brief break time that Kishan had the time to be sick thinking about what had happened to his close friend, Iris. Ever since the start of the war, he had seen no sign of life from her. In the past few months, they had grown closer and closer, and imagining her dead, killed by the ennemies standing just on the other side of the collapsed walls his army was hiding behind, made him sick to the bone. He often envied how Jaia fought with Leander by his side. At least, she didn't have to worry about if he was alive or not. It's during those very few days that the ruler realized his feelings for Iris. He promised himself that as soon as he would see her again, he'd confess how he felt to her. That gave him the strenght to keep fighting, wanting to see this day come soon. After those first few days of almost not fighting, everything quickly restarted when Sarme had made a plan to go around their ennemies's refuge and attack them from behind without them noticing. Their surprise attack was sucessful and they were able to kill most of the ennemies hiding there. They took the night to rest, knowing that Delorin wouldn't just let them win this so easily. At the first glimpse of the morning sun, their theory was proven right when an immense amount of ennemies ran towards them, starting an intense close range fight that lasted a few hours. Kishan had been left pretty wounded and had lost sight of his sister in the action of the fight. After defeating a strong opponent, he went to look for her. It's a few minutes of running later that he found a spot in the fight that was cleared from any ennemies, except two. In the middle of that clear field, Jaia and Delorin were having an intense fight, both using their powers to try and win over each other. Leander was also there, but he was already badly hurt, having the disadvantage of only being able to attack up close. Ice spike from one side, dark seawater from the other, both water mages had been fighting for a good few minutes already, swiftly dogding the attack of their ennemy before sending another wave of power towards them. Finally, Jaia ended up sending an ice spike right into Delorin's shoulder. That left her enough time to scratch her ennemy's cheek with yet another ice projectile, before running towards her, calling to her water powers to form a huge wave coming right after her. It was when she was about to send all of that violent water towards Delorin that the sea queen distracted her by aiming an attack towards Leander, already too injured to be able to dodge such a swift attack. That was only a feint to distract the Inada ruler though, Delorin not having any interest in the dark knight. It's at about that time that Kishan arrived to witness it all. The sea queen then struck brutally and without any warning. A giant ice spike pierced right trough Jaia's heart as she leaped to protect her lover, stopping her right there. Her powers fading away at the same time as her life force, she slowly looked towards her brother, blood running outside of her mouth. Delorin snarled before walking away, stumbling, also extremely hurt.

Neither Kishan or Leander thought about going after her in that moment. Both of them ran towards Jaia, Kishan helping her out of what she had been empalled with, crying out all of the tears in his body while he tried to close the wound with what he had on him. It was too serious and big though, and nothing could be done. Leander watched closely, holding his beloved's hand and whispering comforting words in her ear. Jaia, trying to gasp for air, tried to reassure her brother and Leander in her turn as she was bleeding out on the both of them, gently telling Kishan that he would be wonderful on his own too and that she'd always be watching over him, that she was sorry to leave him like that. Holding both of their hands in her last moments, Kishan held her in his arm as tightly as he could, signing that she didn't have any right leaving him all alone like that and that she would make it trough. It's when she went numb that Kishan silently screamed all of his pain and sobbed all of the tears in his body. Once he was done, he felt so... empty. Numb. Something was missing in his life now that she was gone. Now that his soulmate was gone. Her blood tainted him red. He slowly looked over to Leander, who was still kneeling on her side, staring at her empty eyes, tears streaming down his face. He would have never been able to even imagine the dark knight cry, and here he was. He was just as silent as the mute ruler, gently making his forehead touch Jaia's. He slowly but very softly took his lover's body from Kishan's arms, to hold her too. He felt so numb. Such numbness. And then, all of a sudden, his heart filled with an infinite rage. He got up, glancing one last time over to his beloved sister before running towards where Delorin had ran off to, his katana killing anyone who tried to block his path. He quickly catched up to the injured sea queen and thanks to what his twin started, it was pretty easy to neutralize her. He raised his katanna above her head, all of his rage and sorrow screaming in his head "kill her". But he saw in that moment how terrified, exhausted and hopelesss the ruler was, and that reminded him of how Jaia looked back when she was under her father's grasp. That feeling made him keep the ruler alive, but made sure she knew to leave with her force. To ensure she wouldn't be coming back, he let his rage for her all flow in by cutting her right arm, which he had noticed in those last few weeks against her was the one she mainly used for her magic. Delorin shortly departed from their kingdom afterwards. It's only a few days later that Sarme reported to his ruler that Kurāken had been killed during the battle, by none other than the army commander himself. It's the day right after that Leander, Kishan and Sarme headed back to the kingdom with Jaia's body. They all mourned together that day, Leander and Sarme recalling events together to try to ease the incredible pain both of them were feeling, one seeing her as a daughter and the other as his lover. Kishan remained silent though, even in signing. He sat in a corner of the room, his eyes fixated on the person he had spent his entire life with, making himself as small as he could. All he could feel now was an infinite emptiness. The next day, he headed into his room and wouldn't want to get out of bed for days. The kingdom was left destroyed and needed guidance, but Kishan wouldn't offer them that. Sarme took the responsability of helping the kingdom rebuilt itself and find survivors of the war, still mourning but being unable to just let the kingdom he loved and that he knew Jaia loved go into chaos like that. It's a few days later that Iris came to Kishan's side, having some injuries but nothing too serious. Kishan's love confession was completely forgotten by now though. All that played back in his head was the moment he saw his twin die right in front of his eyes and when she left this world. Staring at the void while Iris held him in her arms and tended to him to try and make him feel better, he couldn't return any of her affection in the first few weeks, silent and numb to anything and everything. His friend didn't give up though, staying by his side for months. After a few weeks, she was able to force him to go take a walk on the beach with her, sitting together silently and listening to the calming waves in a chilly day. Watching those waves and feeling the wind in his air made him slightly less numb, and he was able to slightly enjoy that moment despite the emptiness in his soul. Iris read him books, took him to watch her take care of the royal family's guarden, helped him eat and gently talked to him, all without hurrying him to come out of his immense grief. It took him a few months to started getting out of his numbness, starting to feel small emotions again around Iris. He started signing her "thank you" when she would do something for him and helped her take care of the garden a bit from time to time. She helped him slowly but surely come out of his shell again and altough he would never not miss and long for his twin sister, she helped him move on from the mourning to keep going with life. It's about half a year after she came to see him after Jaia's death that Kishan confessed his feelings for her, which she replied with having felt the same for years now, but doubting she'd ever be good enough for a ruler like him. They started officially dating and everytime Kishan's birthday would come around, both would take the time to go visit Jaia's grave as well to celebrate her too, Leander always coming by as well during that day with some flowers. He regretted the way he treated the dark knight back then, so Kishan made sure that the knight always felt welcomed in their castle, altough his visits were rare now that Jaia was gone, only coming to visit her grave and sometimes Sarme, which he had bonded with.

From then on, altough issues did arrise, Kishan was able to overcome them with his now wife and his father figure by his side. He made sure to build a beautiful statue of Jaia at their favorite spot at the beach, and always took a bit of time out of his day to go visit her. As he thought, he never stopped missing her deeply, and it often happened that during tough times for him or the kingdom, he wished his best friend and favorite advisor was still by his side to aid him and ease the burden of his tasks. He had managed to trust Iris with a portion of those now, at least. Both were extremely close and always very caring and considering to each other, making sure to always keep time for themselves. During a conflict, Iris ended up gravely wounded after protecting children and Kishan almost lost it again when that happened, terrified of loosing his new anchor and being left all alone. Thankfully, his wife did make it out with only scars that left trace of that dark time in his life, and he only become even more wary of her state from then on, making sure she was always safe when things happen, altough he didn't keep her from helping her people when she wanted to. Altough Iris was one of his greatest advisor now, Kishan was never able to let her take on the official role of ruler, feeling as if that second place would always belong to Jaia. She didn't mind that, content with being by his side and helping where she could, not actually wanting or caring about the official title. Sarme, despite his old age, stayed with them for a long time, long enough to witness Kishan and Iris's three beautiful children. These three children were cherished by everyone in the castle, their mother taking good care of them and their father always making sure that he had time for them and that he would be contributing to their education, unlike his biological father did for him back when he was young. They all considered Sarme their grandfather and called him as so, and Leander their uncle. It's after their first one's birth that the dark knight restarted visiting more, visibly very attached to the children he considered family. Kishan was deeply saddened for him that he had never been able to love again, but he was glad that he had been able to help him latch onto something in life, which was his children. Sarme passed away a few years after the youngest child was born, already being extremely old. Kishan deeply mourned him, but was able to gradually move on thanks to his family and all of the conversations he had been able to have with his father figure about this upcoming event. Kishan was remembered as a good and fair king, and he made sure Jaia would never be forgotten in the heart of her people.

Last edited 18/03/2023   |   Worth $82

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