🖋 Vale Amcathra



3 years, 9 months ago


Vale Amcathra











Knight of Order


+ 8 Constitution
+ 10 Charisma
+ 11 Intelligence
saving throws



hit points

hit dice

passive perception


armor class




+ 11
+ 5
+ 2
+ 8
+ 10
+ 11
+ 4


light armor, medium armor, heavy armor shields, glaive, longbow, greatsword, longsword, shortsword, raiper, handcrossbow

thieves' tools, tinker's tools, smith's tools, tattoo artist's kit, musical instrument, land vehicles, Devil's ride, tormenter




Enhanced Plate Armor.
Mood Paint.
Hat of Disguise.
Broom of Flying.
Elderitch Scarf.
Iron Bands of Binding.
Belt of Hill Giant Strength.

feats & extra traits spellist

racial traits

Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to the depths of the Underdark, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Trance. Elves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

subclass features



















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13 / 12
spell save dc

attack bonus


infinite slots

Eldritch Blast (CHA)
Toll the Dead (CHA)

1st level

4 slots

Hex (CHA)
Disguise Self
Zephyr Strike

2nd level

2 slots

Rope Trick
Pass without Trace
Spike Growth

3rd level

0 slots


4th level

0 slots


5th level

0 slots


6th level

0 slots


7th level

0 slots


8th level

0 slot


9th level

0 slot


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 Age : ---   Height : 6'2ft / 188cm   Weight : 180lb / 82kg   They/Them   Omnisexual 


In business they want to keep things cut and dry, they are very blunt and prefers bluntness in turn. They are often very guarded with stranger, due to their past dealings with racism rarely keeping their true-form visible. Because of this they come off very uninterested in small talk and pleasantries often seeming keen to not other's (excluding Graz'zt) into their workspace without reason. On a more personal level they still value their work and dedicate a great deal of time to it though allow for casual approach and allow more domestic aspects of life when without commission giving more care to themselves and their partners. They're very openly hostile, frank, with an edge of unyielding confidence and not above intimidation even to their partners. They've a tenderness with children and those closest to them. Graz'zt there is a level of embarrassment of the demon knowing their more personal sides, they often are more tolerant of him when not of others. When Asariel is involved Vale despite their fondness they don't coddle him with high expectations that don't give way to. Vale isn't very good at being openly romantic they can often act very cold and even threatening to him if standards are not met or is not in a social mood. They do not allow for co-dependent behaviour from their partners despite their love for them.

Vale, raised as a knight and soilder has often a deep sense of honor and manners but a somewhat grey morality. In their youth they were often reserved to continue their racial cover, but when released into the Hells the young knight found a sense of self, adventure, and adrenaline. Without heritage risking not only their life but the lives of their family they found themselves given a sense of feedom they did not previously know. In the Hells Vale was bold, and openly enjoyed the chaotic fast paced bargaining and battles. They fought tooth and nail for their stand-offish and were more than happy to lay down their life for them, even finding a friend in the snarky changling bard they traveled with. After their parties' death the Drow became more quiet and stand-offish their dark humor, perverse interests, as well as sadism showing thru more prominently.

Standard : Androgynous drow with, floor length long white hair, rose coloured eyes, and medium build. Presents more masculine.

Disguises : An elf with floor length black hair, pale skin, and emerald to jade green eyes.

Human with dark brown skin, with wavy hip length blond hair, and grey eyes.

An attractive lithe female drow with lilac eyes and straight white hair.

 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 


Adopted by the polyamorous Amcathra noble blacksmith family in Waterdeep, made up of of elves, humans, and half elves. Elf husband and wife, their human husband, a half elf daughter over twenty years Vale's junior, and an elf son thirty years their junior.

Took a knight's oath in their 20's and worked investigator/spy specializing in working against agents of Loth though had participated in battles.

A few years before stepping foot in Phandalin, Vale was offered up a bookish squire named Damesha (they/them) a young icy blue dragonborn. Asked to train them in both magic and swordplay the small framed youth was shy upon meeting hiding behind their parents. Vale kneeled and did their best to seem as kind and unintimidating as they could. Till the youth was brave enough to join them. Vale saw themself as an older sibling and guardian to the other. They had told Damesha to return to Waterdeep if they did not return in three months. Far as Vale knew Damesha was unaware of them being drow.

The blood lord is a long-dead hero that has usurped the throne of a powerful demon lord. In life, he was probably some sort of Smith. You've been able to put together that their own weapons may have killed the demon. Their punishment transformed him into a bleeding abomination on a throne made of bones. Their wish was to perish. - Connection Severed

Possessed by Grazz't while they assisted Gideon with a frontal attack on an abyssal plane to close a portal. Has since been with the three years in Avernus. While seemingly unintelligent at first has gained some balance becoming a close friend though Vale thinks him exasperating at times.

design references


Asariel the Fallen
relationship: Partner

One of the four immortal leaders, and the face of, the guild of lost souls. the fallen solar of battle took a liking to the drow when they saw them. the drow having sought out him mistaking the other’s name for zariel, a fallen angel who had been a large part of vale’s life. the fallen angel asked them if they would craft armour for him, as they had assisted in doing for zariel. using it as an excuse to visit vale, even going so far as offering them a special feather as a token. the blacksmith was flattered as they had taken a liking to the man, having a weakness for celestials, but not understanding the gift or it’s capabilities. leading to an awkward confession from Asariel and the two entering a relationship and living together.



Feyamir Beast of Arcane
relationship : Close Friend  

One of the four immortal leaders, the magical beast of war is often the muscle of the guild. Rescued by Asariel and after many centuries he has calmed down. After then he met a Fey Drow and has since taken to staying mostly in the Feywild. He's rarely around without cause, when they're both in the area Vale does take to spending time together. Vale took Feyamir's advice on choosing to become a God reluctantly with the goal of helping others



The Musician
relationship : Friend  

One of the four immortal leaders, the muscian is both Archivist and librarian. The feathered Dragon is far from only suited to desk work and often is one of the most active of the generals for fieldwork. Often working rescue and retrieval missions for members, people of interest, and rare items. She is also given run of the manor as her lair to style and redesign as she pleases, even allowing public access to part of her hoard of books. The rest is kept in her pocket-dimensions



Aaramoore Nu'elle
relationship : Housemate  

One of the four immortal leaders, the human bard is the primary field agent of the four and manager of the guild's entertainment. he does not regard vale highly and is disapproving of asariel and vale's relationship. he does respect vale's craftmanship and formality and wouldn't mind having them along for more political trips if time allows.



Relationship : Lover

Graz'zt possessed the Drow while they were working with a fellow necromancer in the abyss. After which the party the Drow was with died in the Earth Plane and Vale was forced to return to hell with their quarry to create Zariel's battle armour with the fire salamander blacksmiths of the Hells. Through the years the Demon has gone from ailment to sole companion and eventually lover with a body created from Vale's own.



Relationship : Friend 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et orci ut turpis porta bibendum vel quis eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent ultricies nisi quam, at feugiat ante aliquet in. Curabitur tincidunt gravida dui nec efficitur. Nulla pharetra mauris eget quam molestie, ultrices porttitor sem viverra. Suspendisse non nunc leo. Nam leo sapien, hendrerit sit amet congue ut, blandit a orci. Curabitur vitae tortor ut nisl tempor maximus. Vestibulum lobortis tempor sodales. Integer sodales pharetra porttitor. Suspendisse potenti.

Nunc sollicitudin urna maximus luctus venenatis. Phasellus ullamcorper at nulla quis tincidunt. Fusce malesuada eget ante sed convallis. Phasellus eu elit vel libero tristique rutrum quis vitae justo. Suspendisse mollis nisi sed diam imperdiet, vitae viverra sem dictum. Ut eget porttitor erat, feugiat mollis odio. Donec pharetra aliquet felis quis sagittis.


relationship : Friend 

Vale finds the vampyre very attractive and a kindred spirit. The undead and the ex-necromancer get along well bonding over fashion and fine or magical alchohol & liqour. She is a somewhat enigmatic figure and not so easily crossed if one intends to keep their life. The immortal works as both landlord and treasurer to the guild with her pseudodragon.



Relationship : Offspring 

Battle-borne child of the possessed Drow and Asariel.

Nunc sollicitudin urna maximus luctus venenatis. Phasellus ullamcorper at nulla quis tincidunt. Fusce malesuada eget ante sed convallis. Phasellus eu elit vel libero tristique rutrum quis vitae justo. Suspendisse mollis nisi sed diam imperdiet, vitae viverra sem dictum. Ut eget porttitor erat, feugiat mollis odio. Donec pharetra aliquet felis quis sagittis.