


7 years, 3 months ago


'They're cool, calm, collected but deeply troubled by inner lonliness and fears of being alone forever. They try to make friends with whoever they can but sometimes find it a bit diffcult to get along with others, as they are prone to sudden fits of tears and breakdowns.' Name: Natasha Age: 27 Personality: Cool, sweet and she tries to be approachable! However at times when she gets too stressed or emotional she is quick to have a breakdown and block everyone and everything out; due to this, while she wants to make friends and tries her best to, she's not easy to place her trust in people as she's afraid they'll just turn their back when they realise how unstable she is. She is, in fact, very lonely and quiet. Bio: Not much is known about her. Her past is riddled with secrets and atrocities - one of which is the abuse she faced and the misled guidance of her peers that got her into many scraps and hurtful situations - hence the scarring and missing arm. She's lucky to be alive and has recently turned to religion to help her through and, she hopes, to save her from the misery of the past and the gloom of her future. Likes: - To watch rivers and water flow - it relaxes her - Birdsong - Candles! - Feeling happy Dislikes: - Darkness - Loud noises - Being left alone - Small spaces