


3 years, 8 months ago






non-binary (he/they)/ aro ace



born in

dark zone


"We don't interfere with the light, that's why I am here. Those who harm their light are only humans."

Reinherz is regarded as "one of the Dark Zone entities" in charge of maintaining equilibrium between the two zones. The world's high-up made a deal with him: Reinherz would defend the light from any evil forces that may threaten it; in return, his people would be able to live in the light. His menthol is mixing milk with dark chocolate so that the two can still be balanced rather than kept things apart.

Reinherz has a carefree disposition and a hint of chaos. He likes to experiment with his magic and (bad) dad jokes even while serving as humanity's ally. People can tell this individual is not "one of them" because of his horns, tinted glasses, and 6'10" height; he is capable of understanding and loving the human as a "person" like no darkness being could, like reading a book that he is too familiar with yet still finds interesting; he knows too well; it could described in a sympathy or an uncanny way. Yet there won't be any way he plays dirty with his ally; he likes this environment, and he respects their rules.


Not as a guardian, but as a balancer.

After the incident of puritify, the world bounced back to its pace, humans don't need a guardian to protect them, or object of devotion for spiritual support, they could have done it themselves. However, when the light grows too big, suppressing the darkness, everything will come to an end and vice versa. This time, Reinherz acts as a "balancer," keeping the scales balanced—perhaps a bit tilted to one side or the other sometimes—but the world is functioning normally.



  • Due to his ambidextrous nature, Reinherz is equally adept at using his right and left hands. He can write/ draw with both hands at a same time.
  • His go-to baked dish is pot pie. His favorite book is Small dog carrying a basket of roses, 2016.
  • JungHwa take on various vessels, and there may even be multiple Reinherz or forms of them present at once.
  • Reinherz is the youngest vessel of JungHwa— the full form.
  • Before watching a movie, Reinherz enjoys reading the cliffhanger. He claimed that even though he knows the outcome, he still finds the journey to the conclusion to be interesting. Also he love cracking dad jokes and it's everywhere help


baking, baked goods, theater, ballroom dancing, jazz music, canvas painting.


"your little perfect plan is doomed."


Local besties. At initially, the relationship between Xiu and Reinherz is somewhat antagonistic (it's not Reinherz's fault; she just hates everything). They still maintained their friendship.

Since they are one, they are neither one nor the other; rather, they are both "JungHwa" vessels. Reinherz understands Keiros as well as Keiros understand him.

Reinherz assured Nessy that as long as the scales are balanced, everything will be alright for both parties, and he also enjoyed having his not-child there (since Nessy would eat any pies Reinherz bakes)