O'Yume Zhāngyú "Yuu"


Basic Info

Formal Name

O'Yume Zhāngyú



Name Meaning

O'Yume - A Japanese word for "Great (with prefix "O") Dream", Zhāngyú - A Chinese word for "Octopus" making his name literally translate to "Great Dream Octopus"; Yuu is a Japanese name meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", or "distant, leisurely", or "brave" depending on the Kanji (He prefers the name Yuu because it is simpler and both parts of his formal name have a "Yu" in it).


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time" and seems like a child in both body and personality; appears to be 13-15 Infant stage of Lunaith growth)


Agender/Male pronouns for simplicity


Sea Lunaith - Octolun


Twisted Floppy Ears (rare) and Bambi Tail (common)




True Neutral

Personality Highlights

Naive | Childish | Eccentric | Shy | Humble | Friendly | Curious | Ambitious | Vindictive | Easily Embarrassed | Likes to wander around | Casual | Docile | Mischievous | Playful | Intelligent | Has an extremely foul temper (though he's not easily angered) | Does have a sadistic side if angry, to the point of being considered possibly evil? | Klepto-ish


Deity of Dreams and Nightmares (Associated with pleasant dreams/nightmares, sleep and the Moon)


Illusionist Wizard


[Coming Soon]


[Coming Soon]


[Coming Soon]


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



O'Yume Zhāngyú is a Deity of Dreams in Estaol. He's typically regarded as the bringer of sleep at night, as well as the night itself and seen as the Moon's personification. He is usually portrayed as very jovial and kindhearted, normally creating sweet dreams for everyone that come in the form of candy that look similar to Konpeito, but when angered he creates nightmares that come in the form of licorice balls. These beliefs are not far from the truth about the tiny deity, though many mortals do not know that Yume roams the mortal realm.

He was originally living on the First Moon of Estaol which was quite large and spacious for the small boy to roam around, but mortals believed it to be like a chariot in the sky for O'Yume Zhāngyú (similar to the myth of Apollo and the sun) to pilot around the world. While it was not completely true, it was quite similar but Yuu had used the moon as more of a ship than a chariot. The moon is where the deity called home and he was the one to create several others in his image, thus the birth of Estaol's Lunaith race. Many of them would move down towards the world below, only stopping to visit the moon in order to bring life to more Lunaith larvae. Yuu was content with just that, taking it upon himself to ensure the safety of the larvae to be born and raising many of them until they were ready to make the journey down to Estaol.

When the Lunar Wizards had began their war with the Solar Wizards, bringing about the icy apocalypse that left Estaol in it's current state, they also ushered in a shift in the balance of the First Moon. There was a trio of Damur that had been sealed away in the First Moon due to their powerful abilities and their hostile natures. The Galatier Guardians of the Gate saw them as a threat and decided to trap them within the First Moon unbeknownst to Yuu. For years the trio had been trying to escape and during the war they utilized the large quantities of magical energy released by both Lunar and Solar factions to unseal themselves. Once broken of their bonds they unleashed their fury upon the First Moon and all of its occupants. Not having prepared for such an assault, it did not take long for the defenses of the First Moon to falter to the Damurs' strength and in all the confusion Yuu hurried to rescue as many of the larvae in tiny escape pods as he could. Once he had gotten to the final pod with larvae tucked within sent the baby on it's way and went down with his ship crashing into Estaol. The moon crater became a popular tourist site for the Xylons after the destruction it had caused had been cleaned up (luckily Yuu was able to crash in a less populated area, specifically the ocean, though there were still many casualties given the size of the First Moon)...

Upon impact with Estaol, Yuu had entered a hybernation state in order to preserve himself which lasted about a century and his body took on a metamophasis for survival, creating the first of few Sea Lunaiths (those escape pods that landed in the oceans of Estaol were forced to adapt in order to get out of their pods and either survive in the ocean or make their way to land) in Estaol. When he had awoken, he had found many things had changed around the world of Estaol, though the most important thing he found was about himself. He had grown weak from his slumber and much of his abilities had been forgotten perhaps from the collision. His body had also changed, now sporting tentacles and the ability to swim far greater than any Lunaith. He had decided that his first goals were to recreate his ship, the First Moon, and reclaim his rightful title and homeland. This wish was expressed in dreams throughout Estaol and every Lunaith since then has felt a compelling desire to find pieces of the First Moon as they were the ones to take the pleas of their patron deity the most to heart. For them it is also a goal, not only for their creator, but in order for them to reclaim their birthplace and breeding grounds.

While Yuu was in hibernation he was found by a Mist Dragon named Shejing Lung. Upon first awakening Yuu the two had a rough meeting since the small creature had been frightened and cursed Shejing Lung to be smaller than he really was out of self defense which drained a good bit of his mana source. In need of replenishment of his abilities he has thus employed the service of the dragon in order to return him to his former glory. The two have been companions since and Yuu's abilities are slowly growing but he is still currently only able to return Shejing to his original size for short periods (typically long enough for travel).

 Many mortals see Yuu as a small child that creates illusions in the mortal realm and most believe that he is nothing more than that (Although, some believe he is an alien or a demon...). He tends to come off very casually bringing even less suspicion to himself. Most only note that he is unusual because he is able to cast spells despite being mute. The truth is that he is able to speak but no one can hear his voice in the real world. It is only in the dream realm that mortals can hear his words. Yuu doesn't seem to let this bother him though and even seems to enjoy the luxury of no one hearing him sometimes. He does seem to have a mission though and while no one knows what that is other than his children, the Lunaiths, with every task the child takes on Estaol seems to be a better place. He takes many different tasks, from delivering milk to sick children or recovering stolen goods to hunting Deep Dragons or other beasts. His abilities seem to grow with every task completed.

Species Cannon Version:

Personality: Yuu comes off very childish, naive and most of all eccentric. Even as a deity, he does not come off "all-knowing" or condescending to mortals instead being quite humble, at least not in the real world. He prefers to seem unimportant, complimenting a sometimes apathetic stance he takes towards certain things such as long explanations. He does his best to be friendly towards others and enjoys meeting new people. In the dream realm his personality is a little more shifted to mischievous, but only in a playfully innocent kind of way as he means no harm to anyone. He can get a bit cocky about some of his abilities in the dream realm to the point of recklessness, though he claims no one can really get hurt because they will wake up before anything bad happens. He tries not to seem like he has a superior aura in the dream world, an effort not to scare anyone unless he is angry with that person. He is very low key in the real world and most people think he is weak. Yuu can comes off like a pet octopus with a mixture of a dog's personality in that he is quite loyal and will happily follow someone around aimlessly. Don't be fooled by his innocense though as he is very intelligent (more book smart than common sense though), but also curious and generally docile. He likes to minimize use of his energy so that he can use it for more important things, often appearing lazy until he feels that need to exert himself. Yuu has some shy tendencies, especially around girls, and when embarrassed he has a habit of inking... he is also easy to spook. There is a surprising dark side to the octolun though if he is angered, and it brings out the worst in his mischief-making. He has grown slightly bitter due to the long amount of time he has been forced to live away from his home and some consider him vindictive and very ambitious about attaining his goals.


🐙 Yuu has poor coordination with his tentacles and often when he reaches for things, the other arms will reach as well. He is practicing to make that better to avoid being so clumsy. This is why he took up being a wizard over a rogue as his attempts to pick locks, though skilled, are often thwarted by his lack of coordination.

🐙 He has a slight kleptomaniac tendency (especially with those sticky fingers tentacles of his) but it is due to the fact he does not fully understand the concept of stealing, claiming it is just "borrowing" and he usually has every intent of returning things that don't belong to him.

🐙 He really loves candy and sweets! His favorite candy is konpeito and he really loves ice cream mochi! His favorite savory foods are mostly seafood related but he also is quite fond of eggs. A boiled egg (though he likes for someone to peel them for him) or any kind of crustaceans (crab being the personal favorite) are his preferred dishes.

🐙 Birthday is 14th of February (I want a Valentine's Day baby)!

🐙 He has befriended the Mist Dragon, Shejing Lung, that kidnapped the twins created by a Deep Dragon. Shejing Lung has since went on a journey to assist the deity in his goals to put his ship together in order to recreate the First Moon. He is also a close friend of Aguta and Atka, though most of their relationship seems to be shrouded in mystery.


