


kalon #549

#223241 #374B63 #667CA1 #b8C6E0

Name Merrill Wallace
gender male (he/him)
age 25
birthday december 17th
sexuality pansexual
relationship status taken (Sevan)
breeding slots 2/3 (nb #1528)
occupation explorer / sea captain
recidence sailing the seas


colour yellow
flower all of them
plant -
animal whales and small birds
food home-made bread
beverage cold coffee
sandwich tuna or avocado
music genre anything played on a piano
smell fresh bread and lilies
sound -
quote -


  • baking
  • old atlases
  • pretty sunsets and sunrises
  • walking barefoot on sand
  • brightly coloured flowers
  • reading & poetry


  • sharks
  • snow
  • overly negative people
  • green tea

Merrill is an energetic and optimistic kalon with a passion for exploring the unknown. He is endlessly curious and always giving his all to whatever he happens to be doing at the moment, whether it's a new project or his job as a ship's captain. Merrill is a kind and caring friend who loves meeting new people and talking to anyone about anything - he especially loves listening to others talking about their passions.

Even though he is very bubbly and talkative, getting him to really open up about his feelings can take some time and work. Merrill keeps a positive attitude at all times and tries his best to stay cheerful even in though situations, as he likes to think of himself as some sort of role model for others. Always believing the best in others, he tends to be a little too trustful from time to time.


Merrill has an optimistic and outgoing personality. He always manages to find the bright side in any kind of situation and gets great joy from making others smile. He tries not to take life too seriously - everything is so much more fun when you don't worry about getting every single detail right. This attitude results in some carelessness every now and then, but Merrill is good at talking himself out of difficult situations. He is polite and quick to apologise when making mistakes, but at the same time he can be quite stubborn with matters he truly believes in.

Merrill is friendly and rarely dislikes anyone, as he is convinced that there is something special about everyone he meets. This can be a negative trait too - always believing the best of everyone around him, Merrill ends up trusting even complete strangers and sometimes people take advantage of him. He doesn't learn from his mistakes. Being very bubbly and talkative, Merrill sometimes speaks before thinking and ends up hurting others' feelings with inconsiderate remarks. Luckily he's good at noticing when someone gets upset and he always tries his best to make up for being rude, as he doesn't like hurting anyone whether accidentally or not. Merrill often jokes about doing dangerous or illegal things, but in reality he likes following the rules and wouldn't hurt a fly.

Merrill is very talkative and enjoys all kinds of conversations with all kinds of people. He's quite good with words and has a certain charm. Although Merrill talks about himself a lot, he usually avoids revealing any of his negative feelings - he keeps things like disappointment and sadness bottled up deep inside. Merrill never dwells in defeat or sorrow for long and he won't let small setbacks discourage him, but when he is feeling down he prefers to be alone. Merrill is quite fond of children, and enjoys telling them stories about his adventures. He loves being looked up to and tries his best to be a good role model for the people around him.

He's always full of curiosity, and chatting with people about the things they enjoy is a good way to learn new things. Books are another good way to gain new knowledge, so naturally Merrill has a big collection of them. Reading is a dear hobby for him and he enjoys both nonfiction and fantasy novels, as well as poetry.

Whether it's all the coffee he consumes or just a personality trait, Merrill is always full of energy. He's usually the first one to wake up in the morning, always in time to watch the sunrise, and often the last to go to bed as he doesn't need a lot of sleep to function normally. He has lots of projects going on at any given time varying from writing poems to building model ships and baking cookies out of seaweed. Merrill is very determined and he always finishes his projects, no matter how long they take.




When introducing himself, Merrill always starts with "explorer", and adds "sea captain" later. According to him, traveling and exploring the world is his true passion and sailing a ship is merely a means to do so. He does enjoy being a captain too, as this gives him complete control over where and when to go, and freedom is what he wants from his life. Merrill commands a smallish ship with a crew composed of other like-minded people with a desire to explore the world. He takes his job very seriously and never neglects his captain's duties, and thanks to that he's actually quite good at his job.

He hates being called "Captain Wallace" and insist that everyone calls him either just "captain" or "Merrill".


Ever since he was a kit, Merrill has been greatly interested in all sorts of plants. He used to press leaves between his books and collect pretty flowers in little glass jars and watch them wither with time. The exhilarating feeling of encountering a strange plant and looking for it in a field guide really stuck with him, so later on he decided to broaden his horizons by searching for plants that could not be found in any kind of book. His dream job as a child was a botanist, but he just couldn't bring himself to listen to boring lectures all day and do endless amounts of homework. Instead he decided to keep plants as a hobby and pursued another career.


boyfriend / husband


pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns