





kalon #960

#FEFEFE #1E99E8 #165BC2 #153AAB #09103E
#FE0061 #FE00FE #2FF2FE #FEF500
Name Sevan Wallace
gender male (he/him)
age 26
birthday -
sexuality gay
relationship status taken (Merrill)
breeding slots 0/3 (nb #1101, #1165, #1528)
occupation artist / poet / explorer / traveller
recidence sailing the seas


colour black & turquoise
flower carnation
plant -
animal whales
food -
beverage black tea & red wine
sandwich -
music genre -
smell the sea
sound -
quote -


  • the sea
  • stargazing
  • -


  • responsibilities
  • waking up early
  • music
  • drawing

Sevan is a poet at heart - he spends his days writing love poems for the sea and for his boyfriend. He enjoys his peaceful life as a traveller, free to do whatever his heart pleases. Being a careful and anxious personality Sevan prefers not to get into big adventures, but just ordinary everyday life filled with pretty sunsets, stargazing and playing music with his friends is enough of an adventure to Sevan.


Sevan is a mellow personality who's always careful in his actions and a thoughtful friend. He's a good listener and always has good advice to offer. Still, he prefers to usually be on his own as he very much enjoys his peace and quiet, but loves spending time with his few good friends in a familiar and relaxed setting. Sevan prefers not to share his thoughts or feelings to people he doesn't know very well and he can be a bit hard to get to open up. But once he is totally comfortable with someone he usually can't shut up.

Being very emotional, Sevan cries easily and has lots of love in his heart. He tends to put others' needs before his owns and gets easily worried if his loved ones are feeling sad. He's very romantic and idealistic and aspires to live a peaceful life full of art and stargazing, and preferably no physical labor or early mornings. Freedom is very important to Sevan and he has an incurable wanderlust. He couldn't imagine settling down somewhere - travelling is Sevan's way of life, and he gets very anxious and stressed when things are stagnant. He craves adventures but being as careful as he is he doesn't get into unexpected situations too often. Sevan doesn't like making big decisions regarding his life and he really prefers just floating around wherever life takes him.

Sevan struggles with depression and anxiety from time to time and during a depressive episode he tends to be really pessimistic and withdrawn. He's slowly getting better at handling his mental health problems but he's still having trouble asking for help when he needs it.

Born in a very musical family, Sevan learned to play many instruments early on. He also likes singing but he would never sing in public.






Sevan was born into a rich family and had a very wealthy childhood. In his early adulthood everything was going well in his life - Sevan got accepted into a well-known music academy, his parent were very proud of him and wanted him to become a professional musician like many members of his family. But Sevan's heart desired freedom. He fell in love with a handsome sailor boy and left his life behind to explore the world with his new lover.


boyfriend / husband

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pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns