Willow Lacy



3 years, 9 months ago




Full Name Willow Lacy

Age 35

Gender nonbinary

Pronouns they/them

Sexual Orientation bisexual

Height 5’5




- Lacy(they go by their last name most of the time) is a spy in the monarchy/government, secretly working for the rebels. They're an innocuous clerical worker who's been spying for years. They were promoted to Rufus Grimwyn's personal assistant/secretary a few years ago. They have a complicated relationship with Rufus; he likes them and views them as a friend as well as a colleague, and even though they’re a spy, not all of that friendship is fake.

- They're empathetic and a good listener, and their open, friendly personality leads a lot of people to trust them. They’re calm and even-tempered, and very observant. At least, that's what they're like at work. They’re a great actor, and skilled at manipulating others and getting them talking. They also pretend to be kinda clumsy and accident prone, as it gets people to let their guard down. Before they started spying for the rebellion, they were a small-time con artist.

- Their actual personality is similar, but not nearly as superficially nice. They're much more sarcastic and blunt. If they weren’t trying to get as much information out of their coworkers as possible, they wouldn’t go to half the trouble that they normally do to present themself as nonthreatening and sweet. But they don't get to be themself very often, and at this point they're not even all that sure who their true self even is.

- They're actually incredibly lonely and isolated from leading a double life. It's exhausting and paranoia-inducing too. They often feel like no one truly knows them, and they don't have many actual, genuine friends that they see on a regular basis (well, genuine friends that know they’re spying for the rebellion). 


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