Rufus Grimwyn



3 years, 9 months ago




Full Name Rufus Grimwyn

Age 43 (33 physically; his body hasn’t aged much since he got his powers)

Gender cis man

Pronouns he/him

Sexual Orientation gay

Height 6’4




- He's a Divine Mage, meaning he went through a complex ritual that gives him demigod-like powers(it allows him to "borrow" the magic of an ancient goddess) and slows down physical aging. He serves King Jasper, and used to be one of the king’s main enforcers. Now he does the least field work out of all the Divine Mages with combat-focused abilities, and he likes it that way.

-  Values maintaining order and stability over all else. He's very by-the-book and very much a conformist. He grew up clinging to rules obsessively. As a child, he was the kind of person who would remind the teacher the class had homework

- Genuinely believed he was doing the right thing at the start. But after years of doing and organizing Jasper's dirty work, he knows damn well that it's not right. Especially after they had a rather complicated falling out years ago. He’s come resent his boss and job, but quitting would mean he would be stripped of his powers (and most don’t survive that). Now he just apathetically phones it in every day at the office. He puts in as little effort as he can get away with.

- His family owes a lot to the Citlevian monarchy; Citlevia gave his parents asylum shortly after he was born, after they had to flee their home country of Fenleri during a period of political instability. (They had fought on the side of the Fenleri’s old military dictatorship, and feared retribution after the regime fell.) Later on, Rufus fought in Citlevia’s war against Fenleri, and has spent most of his adult life serving the king. At one point, he was extremely loyal to Jasper, and desperately wanted the king's approval. But now he's just tired and kind of beyond caring.


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