


nb #1528

#080F3D #1B92DE #2EEFFB #FBF200 #FC00FC

Name Reilly Wallace
gender male (he/him)
age 23
birthday -
sexuality pansexual
relationship status single
breeding slots 3/3
occupation freelance writer
recidence a small apartment in a tiny seaside town


colour blue
flower -
plant cattail
animal sea monsters and cockroaches
food noodles and toast
beverage orange juice
sandwich just plain toast.
music genre whale song
smell a stormy salty sea
sound -
quote -


  • the sea + the beach
  • cryptids
  • photography
  • transparent plastic items
  • glitter
  • sugary juices
  • weird big bugs
  • collecting stuff (seashells, stickers, cool rocks etc)
  • the library


  • chocolate
  • big crowds
  • hot summer days

Reilly spends his days sitting alone by the sea and writing about sea monsters. Being a very private person and rude to strangers he doesn't make friends easily but he doesn't mind - being on his own has always been and will always be the most important thing in Reilly's life. This lone wolf loves orange juice, collecting glitter-y things and learning about cryptids.


Somewhat weird - Reilly doesn't really like talking to people, he is often kind of rude and mean to strangers especially. He spends 90% of his days without speaking a word to another living being. This is pretty easy when making a living as freelance writer. Reilly enjoys doing most of his errands online and he has some online friends that are very dear to him. Reilly loves keeping his thoughts to himself, he can also be a bit paranoid about people knowing too much about him. Reilly prefers to stay a mystery in the eyes of others. The only exception to this are his siblings and online friends.

Reilly likes appearing secretive and mysterious. He's always writing and doodling things in his secret notebook - work stuff, stories, random thoughts, poems, you name it. He loves writing in glitter pens by the sea. His fur and shoes and bag are always full of sand but Reilly doesn't mind.

Reilly's number one interest is cryptids. He believes in huge sea monsters and has plenty of personal conspiracy theories regarding them. Even if he's normally a pretty private person, Reilly loves sharing his ideas and plans regarding cryptid hunting and unveiling conspiracies, altough usually as a joke. But deep down he's very serious about them, especially the sea monsters. The sea is a very big and very important part of Reilly's life, and he couldn't imagine moving farther away from it. He's probably join some sort of ocean cult if he came across one. As a hobby Reilly takes pictures of the sea with a disposable camera and makes pretty collages from the photos.

Unbelievably good at math. Doesn't own a calculator because he doesn't need one.


Taller than average, a bit on the thin side, has a very good posture. Reilly likes simple, dark clothes but always has a pop of color with sparkly glitter accessories. His favourite kind of shoes are plastic sandals and flipflops - usually found from the flea market. He carries his things always in his transparent plastic backpack. Hot, bright, sunny summer days are Reilly's worst nightmare so Reilly usually comes prepared wherever he goes with a pair of sunglasses.


Reilly is a freelance writer who does mostly stuff for magazines and websites. Occasionally he also does photography gigs. Even if he doesn't exactly get rich from the work he's doing, Reilly would never settle for a 9-to-5 job - he's a free spirit and an artist!

On top of his work stuff, Reilly also keeps two blogs; one where he posts about cryptids and another one for his poems. He's also always in the progress of writing at least 10 different books.


Reilly is the youngest of three siblings. As a kid he was kind of weird and quiet - he didn't talk to anyone except his family and spent most of his days alone reading or just sitting by the sea. Reilly was extremely good at math from a really young age, so his parents encouraged him to become a mathematician or a doctor but Reilly just wanted to make art.



The two brothers are very close, they live in neighboring towns so they visit each other often. Usually they just sit in a cafe in complete silence but they both really enjoy and value their time together.


Reilly and Robyn share a passion for the sea so they always have something to talk about. Despite being quite different personality-wise they get along great and often go on trips together.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns