


nb #1528

#0F1720 #213140 #657BA0 #B7C5DF #DEECF7 #FED79C

Name Romeo Wallace
gender male (he/him)
age 26
birthday -
sexuality gay
relationship status taken (Noël)
breeding slots 2/3 (nb #2981)
occupation baker
recidence a house with Noël


colour gold & purple
flower white poinsettia
plant -
animal -
food -
beverage -
sandwich -
music genre -
smell -
sound -
quote -


  • reading, especially magazines and poems
  • everything about christmas - the food, the decorations, chocolate, ugly christmas sweaters ...
  • stargazing
  • winter nights
  • playing the piano
  • cooking with Noël
  • spending time with his siblings


  • the sea
  • fish (as an animal and as food)

Romeo could be described as careful, quiet and a bit romantic. He works as a baker and spends his free time reading, stargazing and gardening with his boyfriend. Romeo is at his happiest on a crisp winter night putting up christmas lights knowing that everything in his life is comfortably predictable and safe.


Romeo likes peaceful, slow life and appreciates quietness. He gets very anxious in noisy places and unexpected situations, and tends to get stressed very easily when facing new things. Luckily he's learning to manage his feelings better and knows now when to slow things down and just say no to new, stressful responsibilities.

To strangers he might appear a bit rude and cranky at first, but that's just because his social skills aren't the best. An exception to this is the customer service part of Romeo's job - he's always very polite to clients and enjoys greatly being behind the counter at the bakery. But even then he prefers not to ramble and always gets straight to the point. At times Romeo can be a kind of poetic, but usually only with his boyfriend.

One of Romeo's dearest hobbies is reading. He spends plenty of time in the library and always ends up picking up too many books. His favourites are classical poems and thick, colorful magazines.

Despite growing up by the ocean and having a very sea-loving family, Romeo never learnt how to swim. He's actually very afraid of the sea even if he doesn't want to admit it. Ugly fish frighten him a lot.

Romeo loves Christmas and winter - he always puts up tons of Christmas decorations the moment Halloween's over. There's just something magical in stargazing during a chilly winter night that brings Romeo the kind of peace he's always been searching for.




Romeo works as a baker. He's pretty good at his job and he likes to mix things up in the kitchen and try new twists in familiar recipes.


Romeo is the eldest child of three. When he was a kit, life in the Wallace family was not always very peaceful - there was plenty of really dark times, mostly because of the parents' relationship issues. Romeo's dads tried their best but the poor kit was always a shy and reserved child who really did not adjust well in the everchanging atmosphere of their home. As soon as he was able to, Romeo left home at 17 and made a life for himself in a new town far away from everything he's ever known. He never regretted his decision and is finally living the quiet stable life he always dreamed of.

Romeo hasn't been in contact with his parents in a long time and doesn't plan to change that anytime soon. However, he sees his siblings as often as he can and the three of them are all still very close.



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Holly and Romeo get along really well, they are a great team at work and love chatting during breaks. Romeo used to babysit Holly's son Chase when he was younger and he still sometimes joins Holly & Chase on weekend trips to the mountains or game nights.


Reilly lives in the next town over so the two meet up pretty often, usually they just sit in a cafe silently and enjoy each others company without saying a word.


Even though Romeo is a bit older than Robyn, he always sees her as a big sister. They don't see each other as much as they'd like to but they're still pretty close.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns