


7 years, 4 months ago


Ancient, ancient, ancient goddess.

The creator of the universe and mother of the twin gods Myta and Lysua.

Sclythe has been asleep for longer than humanity has existed. As such her true form is not fully known to mortals although she is generally depicted as a capricorn (goat mermaid) with five glowing eyes and a golden crown.

It is univerally known that she birthed to the goddesses who ruled over Teyem, and created the universe as a gift to them. She created the land, sea, and sky, instructed her children to fill it, and then, spent from all that work, fell into a slumber.

Despite her lack of interaction with humanity there are those who reject following both sisters and instead devote their worship to her. Followers of Sclythe are essentially the agnostics of Teyem - it's hard to be an atheist when concrete proof of the gods exists - who don't agree with either main religion. They think both Myta and Lysua were wrong in their argument about the human soul (although what they think is 'right' varies wildly).


Sclythe is... not well. She has pushed the magic that forms her body too hard, and at her age is beginning to lose grip on reality. She has forgotten what she once looked like and her physical form shifts and distorts as she struggles to hold herself together. Limbs and claws and skin form from half-recalled memories then fade once more. She is far from her former glory.