Cain Smith



7 years, 3 months ago


The Tortured soul 


Cain is a teenager from the small town of Horse Cave, Kentucky. He is a student at Caverna high school, a questionable school with equally questionable students. Cain is also a member of a oddly named band called "gatorheads," which was formed by him and his best friend paul. Their band mostly writes grunge/alternative rock music. 


Cain is a mentally ill individual with a very cynical approach to life. He is pessimistic and humble, which makes him think very low of himself. He has major self-esteem issues, he has a difficult time seeing anything good in himself. Cain is very socially awkward and sometimes has a hard time reading his environment or the people around him. He's very hot-headed and can get overly defensive, even over something seemingly minor. If the time calls for it Cain can get very assertive and can even be stubborn when it comes to his convictions. Cain also suffers from severe trust issues, causing him to avoid opening up to any of his peers. If he does get close to someone, however; he will treat them with kindness, empathy, loyalty, and respect.
Despite the fact that he will often make himself appear distant and intimidating to strangers, deep down he is actually very sensitive. Cain mainly reveals this side to his significant other and anyone else he deems as a close friend. If someone acts nice to Cain, he returns the favor by being calm and neutral, though his attempts may be a bit awkward because of his difficulty at socializing. Cain is a big introvert and prefers to be away from people, though he’ll sometimes make exceptions with anyone he's close to or likes.
While Cain can be pretty dedicated when it comes to his music and anything else he is interested in, he is often heavily unmotivated when faced with anything that is outside of his interests and music no matter what it is, and he can get really lazy when dealing with them. 

Strengths and weaknesses


  • Is very determined when it comes to his morals and beliefs
  • good sense of humor
  • loyal
  • objective (actively seeks the truth)
  • open minded (or at least, he tries hard to be)
  • shows empathy towards people he cares about
  • pretty creative


  • has a very bad temper
  • often snaps at someone for the smallest things
  • his depression
  • impatient
  • often stubborn
  • can sometimes be a bully himself
  • dwells on negative things more than positive
  • Isolates himself from people too much
  • can sometimes get violent


height 5'7"

Favorite foodHot Wings

Weight 142lbs

Favorite drink Monster Energy

dob 4/26/2009

Orientation Straight

Occupation Student

Personality Type INTP-T

Nickname none, its just cain

demeanor Antisocial


Favorite Activiy Playing guitar

Best SkillCreative

Physical Strength Moderate


  • Music
  • old video games
  • Horror movies
  • Kaijus


  • The government
  • Socializing
  • Hot weather
  • Bullies


 Cain smith grew up in Horse Cave, Kentucky. He loved playing music ever since he was young, and was always very shy and quiet. His parents, however, had a lot of issues while he was growing up. Cain's dad always had an issue with his bad temper, he was becoming an alcoholic, and he had a tendency to overthink/worry about things too much, which started a lot of fights. This was especially fueled by his band breaking up after Cain was born, which caused Cain's dad to hold a grudge against him simply for being born. Sometimes the fights between Cain's parents got physical, but no one was ever hurt, it just involved his dad throwing or hitting some kind of object. His mom had some anxiety issues, but she was more empathetic and kind, and she tried to get his dad to overcome these issues. 

It wasn't until Cain was in middle school that his dad went to rehab for a few months to quell his alcoholism and mental state. His mental health slowly improved during and after rehab, and afterward he would try to become a better influence for Cain and to prevent him from going through the same issues as him. Cain however, had already been dealing with a lot of issues that he kept hidden from his parents. Aside from the trauma he received from when his dad was an alcoholic, He was horribly bullied, which started out in middle school. During middle school it involved him receiving insults, threats, people taking his personal belongings and damaging them, and sometimes they would get a hold of his song books and make fun of his work (sometimes even take his pages of song lyrics, crumpling them up, and throwing them away). It got worse in 8th grade and in high school, when Cain started to get beat up by his tormentors. He was given death threats, was called a school shooter, and was often told to kill himself. All this bullying started to break Cain, and caused him to want to stay away from school all together, and he even began to have suicidal thoughts. During this time period, his depression started to show its true colors, beforehand he was getting very upset and anxious with his home life, which caused it to bloom. He also started to have anger issues, which got worse due to him bottling up his problems. He barely had any friends to help him, which may have been a causation of him distancing himself from his peers out of fear of being mocked.

 However, he did have a close friend named Paul, a kid he met in band class during 7th grade. However, Paul was an 8th grader when Cain met him, so they didn't see each other in school when Cain was in 8th grade. though they were still able to communicate via phone, and the two were, and still are, able to hang out occasionally outside of school. halfway into 8th grade he met a girl named Alice Floyd, who had started talking to him because he looked lonely, not to mention she herself had just arrived as a new student, so she wanted to be friends with him. At first, Cain was very skeptical and untrusting of Alice and tried to push her away like he did everyone else, out of the fear that her wanting to be his friend was some sort of joke. He also thought that her being his friend would just get her into trouble. However, he slowly started to open up to her after realizing she genuinely wanted to be his friend. 

The two ended up becoming close friends, and in high school, they became even closer and got into a relationship with each other. Alice would often try to stand up to Cain's bullies and get them to stop, but it further dragged her into the mess, making Cain even more furious and upset. At one point during high school, his bullies were tormenting him and ended up going way too far. They attempted to kill him. Cain snapped, all of his anger taking control, causing him to brutally beat his bullies right back. This got Cain in trouble and he ended up being suspended, But the bullies were not punished. Cain's parents, angered by the unfair punishment, retaliated against the school and threatened to seek legal action against them if the bullies were not punished accordingly. As a result, the bullies ended up getting in trouble instead, Cain was let off with a warning, and the suspension was taken off his record. The bullying died down for a while after the bullies were suspended, and the school instructed all of Cain's teachers to keep Cain far away from the bullies.

After the incident Cain had felt empty, void of any emotion. He got revenge on his tormentors, he should’ve felt glad, but now he was afraid everyone would be even more scared of him and start avoiding him more. Surprisingly, a few kids who tried to talk to Cain in the past approached him and offered him support, he was hesitant to accept it but he did it anyway. It may not have changed him significantly, but he did at least feel comfort knowing there were other people that genuinely liked him, even if those were the same people he had previously pushed away. Cain was given counseling not long after the incident, and he tried to better himself as a person. It was a great struggle, but he seemed to be gradually getting better. His relationship with Alice was getting better as well. 

But then, all of that would change when both cain and alice were taken away from their homes by a government agency.







[ girlfriend ] Alice is Cains partner, they started dating late into middle school and have been in a relationship ever since. Cain loves alice more than anything, and despite the struggles they have faced in their relationship, he will do anything to keep their relationship stable. and he will fight to protect her, even if it kills him. 



[ best friend ] Paul is Cain's best friend, they met in band class while in middle school and remained friends ever since. Cain was hesitant to befriend paul at first, but started to open up when he noticed how laidback and carefree he was. they hung out a lot, and would later form their own band together.



[ adoptive father ] Donovan is the foster parent of Cain, after Deltech wiped the memories of Cains parents, which would later cause their demise. Cain was very untrusting of donovan, and had a hard time accepting him as a parental figure. After a while cain eventually opened up to donovan, and began to respect him.

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