


3 years, 8 months ago


Curio’s Masterlist Link: [no. 191]

Curio’s Guild Rank: N/A

Active Pets: None

Active Mounts: None

History: Orphaned as a child, she was taken in by the clergy but they deemed her wholly untalented and relegated her to the most menial tasks within their walls. She grew up resentful but quickly learned that by acting docile and a bit vapid, she would be ignored and left to her own devices. After her first day spent crawling in the dirt pulling weeds in the clergy fields, it occurred to her to learn the skills of self-sufficiency and escape. She spent her time from then on learning everything she could about growing food and obtaining clean water, as well as other skills like building and crafting shelter and tools whenever she could. At age ten, she stole everything she needed that she could carry and broke out.
Not far out from Mino Ami (but with no idea of this), she decided to settle a small hill overlooking the beach. She worked with the frenzied energy of a free undyre to re-plant her stolen crops and dig/build herself a home in the dirt of the cliff. After living totally alone for several months, some other company-less curios on the move found her. Though she at first reacted to them like a wounded animal, they quickly took her in as one of their own and also settled around "her" strip of beach. As she grew up, she honed her acting (lying) talents, and eventually also learned to steal and pickpocket when some disaster or other inevitably uprooted the wanderer undyre. Any time the opportunity arose to rebel against the company system, she leapt at the chance, no matter the task and uncaring if there were innocent casualties (which sometimes led to strife with the other undyre).
Although she felt some connection to the other undyre and logically decided her survival chances were better together with them, she never fully opened her heart to any of them, and she always carried with her a desire for full independence and self-sufficiency. When the reunion began, she immediately stowed away and traveled to Scatterstar on a journey of self-discovery. Though she would never admit it to herself, she still yearns to discover her "talent" - not recognizing lying and playing innocent as an actual talent for acting, but rather viewing it as a sort of weapon she wields.

Personality: Having grown up with no real attachments, she can come off cold and callous. At any moment, she is either identifying an exit route, evaluating another curio's usefulness to her, or wrapped up in learning about some new, interesting subject she deems useful to her.
Besides when she is rebelling and being a nuisance, she generally doesn't mean others harm, she just doesn't understand making friends and connections. A kind or stubborn curio might be able to reach through to her...

Acquired: $30 MYO