Elerys Cebe-Orben



3 years, 8 months ago



Name Elerys Cebe-Orben
Called Elerys
Age 19-24 (through the story)
Gender Female
Race Au Ra Raen
CLASS Dragoon / Samurai

Elerys is a proud, young women who fights as a dragoon. Unable to use magic as the other member of her family she put everything in physic fight. Even if she's more a women of action than reflexion she's working hard to be able to help others in fight. When she arrives in Othard she discovers Samurai and learn with them how to handle a katana. Now more stronger than before, she can switch between this two jobs.

She's a bit dumb so don't ask her to find strategy in battle, she doesn't like to think to much. Elerys is here to follow orders and fights.


  • crafting
  • selling crafting stuff
  • nice outfit
  • dancing
  • sun
  • good drink at bars or clubs


  • stalkers...
  • tomberries
  • poor outfit
  • being left alone
  • Nayan's house
  • reading (why all this letters are mixing up together when she tries to read something?!)


Elerys was born in a really modest family in Eorzea. As she was an aura with an aura father and a viera mother, life wasn't always easy. Especially due to her origins. Even if her family was a bit special, she truly cared about them. All members of her family was mage and her true dream was to be a white mage as her mother. But time passes and she understood that she didn't have any magic abilty.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.

Physics details

- Elerys has a lot of freckles on her face (please draw them).

- Her hair uses to have some braids usually made by her boyfriend.

- Her hair is red due to Nidhogg's power but she was born with dark-brown hair with some blond streaks.

-Her eyes are yellow with a red outline



Choi [ Sister ]

Choi is Elerys' sibling. She's really care about them and like to hanging out with them. Elerys thinks that Choi have weird relationships sometimes. But their friends look like her somehow...so it should be okay. They're a kind of confident where everything is not good in Elerys life. And sometimes it feels good to be listenned once. Sometimes, she forced Choi to wear proper outfit for special occasion, even if they didn't appreciate that. They're also a really good cooker (anyway anybody is a good cooker when you can't even cook an egg). Thanks the twelves that they are living together actually.


Taranis  [ Mother ]

After many arguments, distances, doubts and reflections, Elerys took the time to reflect on the presence of her mother in her life. She herself knows that she has never been the best example of the perfect daughter since her childhood. But one thing is for sure, she does not want a long distance relationship with her mother. Taranis did the best she could with what she had and for that Elerys will be eternally grateful. She confessed her feelings to her in a poem played by a bard at the Riverbend on Lilymoon night. She sincerely hopes that this has touched Taranis and that they can continue to move forward together. Now Elerys just hopes that Taranis will accept her boyfriend... she's worried that she has a bad opinion about ALL xaelas.

Khalja [ Father ]

Elerys Father, she has not a lot of memories of him. He disapeared when she was really young but honestly she doesn't care so much about him. He left, well men are so disapointing. And he is.


Lo [ Uncle ]

As their parents were very busy during their childhood with their adventurous activities, someone had to keep an eye on them.  And it was Lo who who was on duty. As an old friend of the family, he was called uncle by Elerys and Choi and considered as a part of the family. Due to few events, Lo dated Khalja from a short time and Elerys didn't know anymore  how to act with him. After the breakup between Khalja and Lo, she didn't see him as much as before. But she knows that he will already here for her... But stop bringing food please... Elerys needs to take care of her body or she won't fit anymore in her outfits. 


M'Suraja [ Friend ]

M'Suraja is part of the free company where Elerys belongs, and they naturally ended up to be friend. Elerys always enjoys the time they spend together while fighthing or just chilling in some popular casual events in Eorzea. Through her eyes, the miqot'e is an elegant and strong woman, that Elerys aspire to be one day. She's also always happy to give her advice in her outfit's choice. But since some days ago she's a bit concerned about her relationship with Lo...


Nayan [ Boyfriend ]

A peaceful presence combined with an attentive ear, she was meant to love Nayan. It was pretty difficult to understand it, as she never ever felt this kind of feeling toward someone during her life and she has a really bad appreciation of love due to the relationship she've seen. This took time but after days she had to admit that Nayan was special for her and that she felt for him. Elerys wants to be better for herself and him. She wants to spend more time with him but her adventurer's works won't wait. So she tries to spend all the little free time she has with him.

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