

the Bad Tomato Cat

 Name:   Romano, after the tomato
 Space Cat / Berry Maine Coon 
Role:Criminal Mastermind

You've heard of bad apples, well rotten tomatoes are WORSE.
 Romano was spawned from chaotic space cat and a equally as chaotic nature cat but lacks having true world bending power of the stars in his paws. He can grow some leaves and fruit but that's not enough, he has chaos in his veins and strives to be more then just a forest dweller bound to the cold earth when galaxies and other realities await him somewhere far far away. 
Being stuck in his circumstance made Romano all the more egger to get out of the fruit patch and make a name for himself one way or another. He may not be powerful but he likes to surround himself with powerful creatures who let him boss them around. Romano has become a pest who has been banished and driven away from most populated places. 
He and his little band of trouble makers have taken over a dying forest called the Dark Forest and Romano has plans to make his own evil empire and leave his mark on the world from there.

Size:On the small side
Fur Type: Course and bristle
Tail: Long and thin
Plant: Tomato Leaf
Always bloodshot

 Plant Growth:      
  Romano has limited plant growth, he can only grow tomato leaves and the odd and off crooked fruit.

Created: 9/10/20 in a breedable collab. 

Art Value: 0.00
