Pink Labradorite



3 years, 7 months ago


Pink Labradorite
Unwanted soldier

Character not mine

A gem who lost it all; repercussions, guilt nor sense can reach her now.

Pink Labradorite belongs to Starrys_ on instagram!

This Pink, peculiar gem was on her way to the top of homeworlds empire, until the gem who had helped her get there betrayed all her trust and left her on her own. Further away from her goal than ever before she's now on her way to shatter the gem who she had once admired and adored.


  • Pink Diamond
  • Being in charge
  • Bragging
  • Power
  • Fighting
  • Loyalty


  • Blue Labradorite
  • Irresponsibility
  • Indecisiveness
  • Emotions
  • Lower ranked gems
  • Social gatherings
"How could you betray me!?"


Pink Labradorite is an ambitious gem with high self esteem and a hardworker regarding her dreams and visions. She's Narcissistic and has a big ego; two of the many reasons gems don't like her. She struggles to understand her own emotions and behaviour which often ends up with her transforming them into anger and blaming others. What she does know is loyalty, dedication and training. All her time on homeworld was either spent with her closest (and only) friend Blue labradorite, or working towards achieving her goal: serving as Pink diamonds right hand man and general (Just like Blue Labradorite did for Blue Diamond).

Blue was the first other labradorite Pink had ever met, many centuries ago. Seeing her as a general under the very Blue Diamond herself inspired Pink to achieve the same one day. She did her very best to get closer to Blue labradorite and it worked. They continued to meet up even outside of work-time, trained and learned together as their bond grew. Though Pinks dreams were shattered when Blue Labradorite (accidentally) got involved with the rebellion. Blue had to flee homeworld without any chance of explaining herself, Pink violently tried to stop her but to no avail. All other labradorites were stripped off their ranks and replaced with pearls. Pink was furious with anger as she swore revenge to shatter Blue herself for what she had done.


• Like Blue Labradorite, Pink had (one) long ponytail that symbolized her high status.

• She too has a perfect cut and color of her gem, but with less stripes on her body.

• She is ever so slightly shorter than Blue, but her pointy hair makes up for it.

• She will pull back her bangs (real sexy) when she's serious or means fighting business.

• Compared to blue she wields a simpler weapon and lacks a status-showing cape.

Fighting style

• She's slower in reacting and keeping up attacks compared to Blue.

• She makes up for it by using her entire body, especially feet and knees in combat.

• Dirty tricks of any sort is frequently used by her.

• She's much weaker in brute strength but equals out in fights as Blue always holds back.

• Her raw emotions and determination boosts her a lot, especially when she's angry or upset.

Linked characters


Blue Labradorite

Former friend and associate whom by Pinks belief betrayed and abandoned her. They were inseparable before the attempted execution of Blue. After the succesful escape Blue ended up on earth, unknowing of Pinks wrath and plotted revenge.
