Blue Labradorite



3 years, 7 months ago


Blue labradorite
Fugitive/ ex soldier

Blue Labradorite

A gem bearing false accusations and weight of leaving her home behind; whilst also on the run from injustice and a revengeful companion.

This tells the story of my gemsona Blue labradorite and Starrys_ Pink Labradorite!

Blue labradorite had it all; duties, a purpose, friends, ... It was too good to be true and that she learned the hardest of ways. Her best friend claimed she betrayed her, everyone she cared for were killed and she had to leave behind everything she ever knew to flee from the rage of the diamonds and their empire.


  • Calm and quiet
  • Snow
  • Blue diamond
  • Having a purpose
  • Learning
  • Fusing


  • Dilemmas
  • Feeling deficient
  • Yellow pearl
  • Fighting
  • Homeworld's social structure
  • Anger
"I'm so sorry Pink..."


During the early era of the diamonds’ reign a new powerful gem was created for the purpose of serving their radiances. Labradorites they were called, able to be mass-produced with low cost materials yet also showing immense efficiency as soldiers. With quick reflexes, strong, durable bodies and possessing extraordinary spear techniques these gems were greatly admired. The first labradorites created were of high quality and cost before the production was made more efficient and cheap. The large batch of second era labradorites became efficient, disposable ground-soldiers whilst the scarce. first era gems served only the highest ranks. The very first Labradorite to ever be made was Blue labradorite, perfectly cut and with the purpose of serving right under blue diamond herself.

Blue labradorite was to be feared by many, her powers and brilliancy were questioned to be dangerous; working as the highest ranking sergeant as Blue diamond's right hand gem. A dozen more were created with close quality and serving the same purpose. Blue diamond was the only leader to, after much convincing, accept this gem as her sergeant, guard and servant. White diamond, yellow diamond and pink diamond (she wasn’t allowed even if she wanted to) on the other hand stayed put with their more commonly used pearls. Having a gem that strong; able to store and effectively use information and strategies, possessing versitaile fighting powers, high intelligence and more was not reliable Yellow diamond claimed.


• Blue Labradorite was the only gem of her kind with two ponytails, representing her high status.

• The stripes on their bodies are rumored to show the pain felt when they were created.

• Before leaving homeworld, she had never once gone without her gloves. Feeling the touch of grass is still one of her dearest memories.

• She enjoys the coverage of her long hair in her face, it helps her feel protected and less expressively visible .

Fighting style

• She's versatile in all aspects, from speed and strategy to skill and strength.

• Her skill is perfectly matched to her adaptable weapon: a spear which can both stab and launch it's orb.

• Her distaste for fighting always leaves her hestitant and an easier target. Otherwise she'd be unstoppable.

• Out of pure curiosity and wish to learn she has also aquired skill in other combat styles taught by different gems.

Linked characters


Pink Labradorite

Former friend and associate whom believes Blue betrayed and abandoned her. They were inseparable before Pink furiously tried to stop Blue's escape after finding out about everything. She's now out for revenge in hope to shatter Blue.
