


3 years, 8 months ago


- Noctis -



Noctis is a skilled soldier capable of brute forcing her way through anything. She is massive, muscular and her thick fur can shield her from most attacks.

She is untrusting and assumes the worst in people, her unfriendliness on top on her stubborness make her very dangerous. She has a small circle of trusted cats whom she may listen to, but still she draws her own conclussions and acts without taking consequences into consideration.

Her ideas are not all twisted however, as she's usually moved by the desire of protecting her friends or taking out dangerous individuals, regardless of if the means justify the end.

When she was younger she was more careful about other's feelings, but as she experienced more violence and injustice as she grew up, she became cold and less cooperative with others.


  With SheishrouSei is one of the few people Noctis listens to and fights to protect. Sei does not agree with Noctis' violent ways, but feels safe around her since she knows Noctis wouldn't ever hurt her

   With RairaNoctis is irrationaly aggresive towards the prince. She refuses to even listen to him, and bewares everyone not to trust him, not ever explaining exactly why.

  With CinerisNoctis' bond with Cineris may to be deeper than it seems. The motives behind their acquaintance are not clear, but Noctis seems to protect him yet doesn't listen to him.