Nicole Bu



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Nicole Bu
Called Nicole, Nicky
Age 15
Gender Female
Race Caucasian/Korean
Role Insomniac
Alignment Neutral Good
Theme Song link

"No, I haven't slept. Yes, I did eat. What I'm worried about now is whether or not Felix shows up in the new MV or if I'm gunna decay. Yeah I'm okay, why?"


  • Hamsters
  • Coffee
  • The color black
  • Fast Cars
  • Stray Kidz


  • Loud Noises
  • Anything bitter
  • Tight Fitting Clothes
  • Scuffed Sneakers


Only child of the Bu family. She’s independent and for the most part sticks to herself. Being the only child, and a woman, her parents imparted onto her the idea of self reliance and taught her a whole slew of life skills like how to make her own meals, how to fix her own cars, and the importance of taxes. This in turn, influenced her hobbies. She absolutely likes designing things like her parents, with a leaning towards cars and even motorcycles. In her free time, she interns at her mother’s business where she can watch big name artists design cars for companies and even sit in on their business meetings. The only thing that she feels sticks out is her interest in anime and her adoration for KPOP, although she’s very subtle in showing it if you aren’t looking for the right things. She isn’t big on the spoken word, and her affection is shown mostly through actions and behaviors. She’ll remember the names of your aunt’s uncle’s cousin that you mentioned a while ago and remember that you can’t eat certain things even if you always end up eating regardless (Jake). She’s the listener in the group, and while it may seem like she’s not interested, that’s just her face. Additionally, she isn't confrontational, often opting to just silently remove herself from any situation that she finds distasteful. Very rarely will someone see Nicole get visibly angry, as she often finds that she usually doesn't have the energy for it.

Nicole has serious insomnia, and the only thing that seems to help her sleep at night is the physical exhaustion that basketball seems to provide. So at the wee hours of the night, she’ll go out and play with the people in the local parks until exhaustion, and come back and she’s out like a night. Her preferred drinks of choice are the nitro cold brew with salted cold foam and anything made out of hibiscus.She LOVES tiramisu.While she seems pretty calm and collected, her insomnia sometimes makes her manic if she goes long enough without sleep, much to her friend's ire. Additionally, she’s often left alone at the house because her parents are out and about working. The two or three family dinners that she has with her parents are very important to her and she’d rather die than cancel them willingly. To help fill this void, she often hangs out with her two best friends, and lets their loud personalities surround her.


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Jacob David Royalle [ Best Friend ]

Friend not by choice, rather, they just found themselves to be close friends. Jake immediately latched onto Nicole's side when they met up in first grade and they've been close friends ever since. She finds him to be a bright presence in her life, bright enough to distract her from her problems and make her feel better whenever she needs it. He's practically family to her, she just hopes he realizes that.


Rosita Del Rio [ Best Friend ]

Another very loud presence in Nicole's life. Rosita was her first friend, made in kindergarten. Rosita was very persistent in building their friendship despite the language barriers that these two faced. They built their friendship on actions until they could incorporate words into their day to day. Thankfully, their paths continued to travel together as they attended the same schools and their bond only tightened. Nicole knows Rosita would ride or die for her at any moment, and she appreciates Rosita's openly affectionate care for her.


Chin-Hae Bu [ Father ]

Their relationship is at worst cordial and at best strained in terms of an actual father-daughter relationship. Chin-Hae is never home due to work and often travels around the world for his job, however, he does keep in contact with Nicole and makes sure she has everything she needs. As a result of this, Nicole goes long stretches of time without seeing her dad at home and doesn't often get the same experiences her peers do with their parents. She recognizes he cares but genuinely wishes he were around more.


Jasmine Bu [ Mother ]

Nicole kind of finds her exhausting because their personalities seem so different, but Jasmine would die for her daughter and dotes on her whenever Jasmine accompanies her to her meetings. Jasmine is at home more often than her husband is, but she also has her moments where she has to leave for long stretches of time to negotiate with internationals for her business. Even though she doesn't want to admit it, Nicole finds a lot of her work ethic in her mother as well. Like mother like daughter!


Tobias Vincent Lovelock [ Boyfriend ]

She loves this man! Loves him to death! Inside of that ratty exterior is someone that genuinely cares for his friends and their wellbeing. She didn't think she'd fall for the eyesearingly pink brony but she's genuinely glad she did. Every interaction between them makes her heart beat against her chest and makes her wish she weren't as shy as she was. She's afraid he'd get bored of her and leave, but she doesn't like entertaining the thought.

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