Michael's Comments

i would die for you mr micheal

michael is extremely confused why this stranger is dying in front of him. he is now having an anxiety attack and trying to call a hospital. are you happy /lh


"Oh boy, the ocean!" DMT let out a strained laugh and raised his brows, rubbing his dumb little thumbs together languidly. The single thing this man knows about the ocean and ocean life is that male seahorses can get pregnant, and boy, ain't that just something special?
"Yaknow, it's cool, ain't it? You know how like, 5% of it hasn't been even been touched yet? I'd think that'd get a bit scary sometimes, knowing that there's probably unfathomable beasts out there that could rip you from limb to limb at any given moment you jump in for a swim ..."


"ANYWAY! Thank heck there's no stuff like that in a pool, right? The scariest thing in public pools are the old people! You must have a blast working there!"

Pucker up Jolliner

Shalalala kiss the boy