

7 years, 3 months ago



"Please don't shout...! Shouting can damage your throat..."

Name: Donghae Shin
Called: Donghae
Gender: Male
Age: 16 (8th May)
SHSL: Laryngologist
Origin: South Korea / Philippines
Height: 5'0" / 152 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Demeanor: Hopeful


█ ████████ APPEARANCE █ █

HAIR STYLE: Blonde, silky hair, with long bangs down the front that reach just below his shoulders. A side-swept fringe, and golden flecks of hair that neatly fan out at the back at neck level.
EYE COLOR: Emerald green.
NOTABLE DETAILS: Small in stature, quite thin.
OUTFIT: Light green turtleneck jumper with three darker vertical stripes coming down from
below the turtleneck folds. A dark green cropped jacket embezzled with golden buttons and light green
cuffs at the wrists, and stripes below the shoulders. Dark green roll-up shorts with a lighter green inner
lining, with a yellow stripe running down each side from his hips to the bottom of the legs. He wears a
pair of green flip flops, with a light green strap over the foot.
ACCESSORIES: He doesn't wear any out- but when relaxing at home he wears several hair
pins and ties to hold his hair out of his face.

█ ████████ PERSONALITY █ █

██ █ █ ► PERSONALITY [ + ]

He's very generous and will always be willing to share, especially if it's a large chocolate cake!
He's extremely sympathetic to other people and will always try to take other people into
consideration. Donghae will never tell someone else your secret if you've trusted him enough
with it. He's always here to offer a warm smile and radiate a calm, positive energy in a room.
He's very good at being a shoulder to cry on, and amazing at being the one to let everything
out to.

██ █ █ ► PERSONALITY [ = ]

He hopes for the best, but will expect the worst. He's always ready and prepared for the
worst situation, but he'll still be upset if it happens. Whilst he looks after others well, he
will often put other people ahead of him, and forget his own needs. This can mean starving
himself if someone else is fed instead. He hates violence and confrontation, and will try
not to take a side of an argument. It means he finds the peaceful way to do things, but
if that fails, he gets upset. He gains his energy in his own comfort zones alone with a cup
of tea and a slice of something sweet. Large groups send to tire him out emotionally.
Donghae needs every last detail to be the way he wants it to be, which may lead to irritation
and/or wasted time, but also a wonderful end result.

██ █ █ ► PERSONALITY [ - ]

If there's an attitude problem, he will ignore it and pretend everything is fine, even if there's
an argument that needs to happen. He's never one to raise his voice and can often be drowned
out by other members of a party. He'll believe anything anyone says, and will always take
someone's word for it, regardless of lack of proof. He feels his opinions don't matter, and no
one would notice if he wasn't there at all. He'll do anything he's told, even if he doesn't want to do it.

██ █ █ ► LIKES
This can be anything from a piece of bubblegum to an entire sundae on top of a chocolate cake!

「 TEA 」
He'll drink any kind of tea, so long as he has a little bit of sugar, and perhaps some milk,
depending on the type.

Donghae loves going on forest walks, sitting beside a river with a gentle breeze in his hair,
or reading a book on the beach. Anything that's outside.

He loves rabbits and hamsters and the like, they remind him of himself. That, and they're
so soft!

Any excuse to get his oversized sweaters out and sit by a fireplace with a hot chocolate.

██ █ █ ► DISLIKES
He likes to know what's going on around him, so anything he wasn't expecting will upset him.

It's nothing personal, he just feels so intimidated by them...!

He doesn't understand why people have to swear so often. It's so rude!

「 RED 」
He's not a fan of the colour red, whenever he sees it he knows something bad is going to
happen. It's a superstition of his.

It's way too loud for him, and the lyrics are usually about horrible things.

██ █ █ ► HOBBIES
Donghae loves to cook, bake and make anything in the kitchen. He's much more of a baker than
he is a cook, but anything he makes is definitely enjoyably edible. He enjoys writing poetry, and
reading books by himself whilst out in his back garden by his pond.

██ █ █ ► DREAMS
His ultimate goal is to help cure throat cancer, or any cancer, for that matter.

██ █ █ ► HABITS
He tends to hide his lower face behind his turtleneck if he's feeling intimidated. When deep in thought,
he tends to stare off into what seems another dimension. He idly likes to run his finger over the yellow
stripe down the side of his shorts due to the dents in the seams.

  • warm days
  • campfires
  • the smell of warm bread
  • inspirational posters
  • burnt toast
  • the smell of alcohol
  • comic books
  • horror films


██ █ █ ► PHOBIAS & FEARS
█ ███ █ █ 「 L O C K E D 」

██ █ █ ► PET PEEVES
█ ███ █ █ 「 L O C K E D 」

██ █ █ ► SKILLS
█ ███ █ █ 「 L O C K E D 」

█ ████████ BATTLE █ █

██ █ █ ► STATS
★★★★☆ 「 HEALTH 」
Donghae looks after his own health extremely well, after so much work in hospitals, he takes care to
ensure he's clean, fit and healthy at all times. Whilst he enjoys his sweet snacks, he follows up with
a small work out and a healthy diet after. All in all, his immune system works fantastically.

★☆☆☆☆ 「 STRENGTH 」
The poor boy is not very strong whatsoever. Unfortunately, despite his work outs, his muscles never
seem to grow, and his short stature gives him no advantage with power, either. He's extremely weak,
and would need help carrying anything more than his own suitcase.

★★★★☆ 「 AGILITY 」
What his strength lacks, he makes up for in speed. He can run extremely fast, and has surprisingly
quick reflexes. Although, he has to kick his flip-flops off first. They're not ideal to run in, but if push
came to shove, he could run in those too.

Donghae is extremely intelligent, and is good at instant problem solving and solutions. He only needs
a short moment and he'll have a plan devised, and can think of plenty of outcomes and weigh which
would be the most ideal. Being a surgeon utilizes these skills well.

★☆☆☆☆ 「 DEFENSE 」
With him being so weak, and his attitude of pacifism, he's never one to fight back. His defense would
be to run away as fast as he could and ignore the problem, which would prove useless if there was
no escape. He's not very savvy on self-defense tricks, and would rather take the blows.

█ ████████ HISTORY █ █

Laryngology is the study of the larynx.

" The larynx lies in the neck at the upper end of our windpipe (trachea) from the lungs. It is part of our airway in the throat
and lies behind and below the mouth and tongue. It separates and protects our airway from the swallowing part of our throat
which leads into the gullet (oesophagus) down which our food and drink are swallowed into the stomach. The so called adam's
apple in our neck is the largest piece of cartilage of the larynx which contains the vocal folds (often called vocal cords) which
produce sound for speech. The most important function of the larynx is to protect our lungs. It closes off the airway and stops
food and liquid going down our windpipe into our lungs every time we swallow. It also closes and opens rapidly as part of
coughing and therefore helps us to cough to protect our lungs. However, the function that it is best known for is the way in
which it produces sound which we turn into voice. The larynx lying at the top of the windpipe (trachea) is an important part
of our breathing (respiratory) system and produces sound as we breathe out. We turn this sound into voice by movements of
our throat, tongue, mouth and lips. " [ Information taken from here ]

A laryngologist is a specialised clinician/surgeon who can help you out if your larynx has become damaged or infected.
They usually work very closely with Voice Clinics and help restore voices from hoarseness or perhaps a change of voice.

Donghae is also trained as a voice therapist, which is what makes him different from other laryngoloists. Usually there are
seperate clinicians involved for each role, but Donghae can work as each title which makes him the ideal voice specialist.
He is specialised in surgery, speech and language therapy, manual therapy and voice research.

Along the way, he has picked up another strange talent, being the ability to mimic people's voices, so long as he's heard them
and watched them talk in person. He won't do this for any longer than 5 minutes, however, as he knows straining your vocal
chords can bring about damage. He struggles with especially low voices, and thus is more limited to smaller sentences lasting
no longer than 5 seconds.

██ █ █ ► HISTORY
█ ███ █ █ 「 L O C K E D 」

█ ████████ EXTRA █ █

█ ███ █ █ 「 L O C K E D 」


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

