


7 years, 2 months ago


★ Kriller ★

Powerful ☆ Ingenious ☆ Dangerous

"My name is Kriller, and the time for filth like you is over."


Name || Kriller
Gender || Male
Age || ???
Height || 8'5"
Nationality || English
Race || Neo-Human
Orientation || ???
Occupation || Robotics Company Owner, Villain
Special Ability || Energy storage for physical attacks
Favourite Food || Donuts
Hobbies || AI Development, Mechanical Design
Ambitions || To "eradicate the scum of the earth"
Theme Song || [TBA]

★ ☆ ☆

☆ Physical Description

White skin tone, completely white, seemingly perfectly circular eyes. Black monobrow that makes a sort of M shape with the side lines shorter than the main V shape of the brow. totally bald, with an egg like head: no nose or ears of any kind. Incredibly thick muscular body, with a red/pink, right diagonal scar across his chest. Usually wears no kind of shirt and black trousers. Also wears white gloves and white boots.

☆ ★ ☆

☆ Backstory

Throughout his childhood, he was heavily bullied for his frailness and bizarre looks, eventually hardening him emotionally and forcing him to become stronger and fight back to cope. He learned how to work all kinds of machinery and became a physical powerhouse. Eventually, he found himself in possession of a powerful robotics company, one that he was secretly using to create an army of super-soldier androids that he'd use to take over the world.

☆ ☆ ★

☆ Personality

Kriller is a cold, calculating and ruthless individual. Because of the relentless bullying he suffered during childhood, he became a closed off and distrusting person. Despite this, his impressive ambition to rise above his environment saw him through it. He believes the world is overrun with bad, society-draining people, and believes the best method to resolving this issue is by killing them, leaving only the suitable alive. This ambition has consumed and corroded him to become just as terrible as the people he seeks to eradicate.

★ ★ ★

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