
3 years, 7 months ago


Character in progress!

-the "Jock" of first aid. He's super doting but in a "bro" kinda way ("dude that scrape looks gnarly, lemme slap a bandage on that my guy! Gotta disinfect it of course tho ahaha")

-when he was really young, he had an accident, and he ended up losing his wings. His wing elytra (hard outer shell) has been fixed up for looks and painted, but the wings themselves got removed. 

-He keeps his first aid supplies under the shell at a moment's notice!

-older sibling works in an ambulance, and has a doctor parent

-wears sunglasses a lot. People think it's because he wants to look cooler, but really it's move because of how photosensitive he is 

-really into collector cards for the battle element ("it's like we're fighting, bro, but like no one gets hurt, how cool is that?")

-himbo basically. He's kind and super helpful with a silly dudebro exterior