Basic Info


$525 (P)


 "Ally In Love"; Cult of Aphrodite | 30 | Symmia, Machia, O Siren       


SpeciesPegasus (Siren)
ConformationSaddlebred x Akhal-Teke
GenderGenderfluid (She/Her)


a thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, and a thing


  • Burning - King Buffalo
  • Burn The Witch - Queens of the Stone Age
  • Family Song For The Leaving - All Them Witches
  • Bulls - All Them Witches
  • Fortress - Queens of The Stone Age


How far you've fallen, o' siren- you whose voice could raise the sun. 

Child of a satellite parent from hell. 

The child of a frighteningly powerful satellite parent, Parthenope grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth. They thought nothing of it until they saw the have-nots of their people, but now is determined to aid them with the innate powers of their bloodline. Their mother is less than thrilled. 


[Maudlin] [Wary] [Idealistic]

To be a weapon without purpose is the loneliest burden of all.

Optimistic, altruistic, and genuine are the three things that come immediately to mind when describing Parthenope. They are their people's beloved heir, but it's almost like they were made for the roll of royal heir exactly. Polite and schooled to a fault, they have had the love of their citizens to buttress their childhood and now adolescence. They can be a bit impulsive as well as headstrong, for they have faced little consequence at large in their life due to their mother's overbearing protectiveness. 


A devotee of a god of grain and plenty. Loyal and good. Until failure stripped them of their wings and corrupted their powers. 

The first and only child of the legendary sea-captain-turned advisor Parlentais of Enfis (Awn-Fee), Parthenope was born to a legacy. Parlentais was the leader of an intimidatingly well-trained ship crew for many years before she retired and was offered a position as an advisor to the King. Bent on creating a better, safer country for the people in the face of rampant magic, the great evil of the millennium, Parlentais worked dilligently at her new role.

 For years she advised peacefully, but those close to her could tell her years at sea had taken their toll. She worked ceaselessly to cater to the needs of her people, single minded to the point that she was running herself into the ground. She loved her husband the same way- devotedly and so wholly it was a wonder she had energy at the end of the day (and a wonder he hadn't run off). But her husband died in a tragic accident, leaving Parlentais with a country to protect. 

There was much rejoicing when Parlentais discovered her husband's parting gift in the swelling of her belly. And there was only joy when Parthenope was born. But while Parlentais was able to relax her grip on politics a little, she was unable to focus her energy for her child constructively. Instead, Parlentais sheltered them, determined to bring them up to know absolutely no hardship, constructive or otherwise. 

As Parthenope knew no better, so they grew up with this as normal. They were constantly surrounded by trusted, loving servants, and had a mother who adored them more than the very universe. But they also knew very little of failure, or of the kinds of consequences that were meant to be learned from. They were regarded as well-bred and gentle, but they lacked independence. 

Until they realized what their mother's strangling control had done to them.

HTML Profile by Coywolfy