


3 years, 9 months ago



Lukaiyo Payasso


Age 7 Billion Years Old
Birthday April 1
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Sexuality Unknown
Height 5'0
Nickname(s) N/A


  • Being silly
  • Playing/Goofing Around
  • Entertaining his friends
  • Ducks
  • Clowns
  • Jesters


  • Liars
  • Being ignored
  • Lilith
  • Broccoli
  • Ketchup
  • Spicy Food


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"Everyone is dumb!"

Silly Playful Oblivious

Lukaiyo is a member of spy's captor team, The League of Chaos. Lukaiyo, like the rest of the league of chaos, were put into a comatose state after a shockwave sent out from Chaos's death put over 50% of his revived followers into said state. He only had only woke up recently (along with the other LOC members) after Spy and Anya's incident during the story's prologue. Lukaiyo was a jester in training for Chaos before he was put into the coma.

continue reading

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Lukaiyo's story is a sad one. Having lost both of his parents shortly after his birth. Normally, Chaos could simply revive them, but since Chaos's powers only really work when there's you know...a BODY to resurrect, it was pretty unfortunate that Lukaiyo's parents entire being's noped out of existence so there wasn't anything that could be done. As some sort of "compensation" Chaos made him immortal instead. Despite the tragedy of his early life, he found passion in making others smile through his silly demeanor. Unfortunately, though, his dreams of becoming a jester were cut short when he was put into a coma. Lukaiyo was taken into the coma extremely young, so as a result his mental state is that of a young child. Lukaiyo is essentially still stuck in a childlike body and mindset despite outliving everyone he used to know and love, such a fact is hard on him, as he misses his old life greatly. His obliviousness to the situation covers a lot of the impact it had on the other 3 members of the LOC, but as the story goes on he matures and grows up and learns to deal with the situation he's been placed in.

Even though he never became a jester in the past, he's still very playful and silly. He's the only LOC member that can be considered "friendly" to Spy, reffering to him as "Boss". Although Spy is distant at first, they later develop a sort of Big Brother Little Brother type relationship, and Spy starts to grow fonder of him. Lukaiyo is the only LOC member that seems to truly take Spy seriously...although that must be prefaced with the fact that Lukaiyo is QUITE stupid at times...LOL...he almost constantly is running into walls and falling over and such, so uh...that's up for debate I guess?

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Some cool quote goes here. Be creative!


Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

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Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

q + a



Who's your best friend?

Oh! Oh! The league of Chaos! They're my best friends! They don't really like me that much though...Hehe...



What's your childhood like?

Uhm....I dunno!



What do you want out of life?

I dunno!



What's your biggest fear?

...I dunno...why do you keep asking me this stuff?



Where's your favorite place to go?

I like going in the boss's room! It's big and open...I like jumping around it! He gets mad when I bump into things though...Hehe...I'm a bit clumsy!



Do you have any pets?

Nuh uh! I would like one though! Maybe a dog? Or a cat? Or a bird? Or maybe a moose! Hehe...a moose! That would be a really funny pet! I dunno where we'd keep it though...



Describe a memory that had a significant impact on you.

Uhm....Uh...I dunno!



Where did you go to school? Did you like it?

I'm going to school at Omne now! I'm a Captor! It's a lot of fun! Sometimes...



What helps you relax? What are your hobbies?

I like telling jokes! Sometimes I tell them to myself to practice, Asra says that's what "weird people do" though...



If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

Uhm....I'd wanna be...more smart! That way, the league would like me more! Hehe...they think I'm kinda annoying...





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

theme by sylladexter