
3 years, 8 months ago


Story: The Villain School
Age: 25
Height: 4'10
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Main Theme: Crossfire by Stephen
Villain School Toyhouse folder

Maple is an assassin, and the right hand woman to Headmaster Charlie. She greatly enjoys her job, often using things like glow sticks and boom boxes to make killing a mark more "fun". She's greatly loyal to the headmaster, often putting herself at risk to protect him. She puts on a loud and obnoxious facade to make people underestimate her, but she's incredibly good at what she does and she won't let people forget it. Maple was a code name she gave herself because of both the color of her hair reminding her of maple syrup, and because once she has a target she sticks to them and won't let them get away.

While Maple is incredibly childish, she trusts the Headmaster with her life. She was the youngest kid to ever attend the school, being accepted at the age of 8. While she was being watched for potentially attending in the future, inviting her in so early was never intentional. However, after a short while Maple happily embraced life at the school, learning all she could. She never let's anyone know anything about herself, including her real name. Headmaster Charlie is the only person that is allowed to use it, and only when they're alone. The two trust each other more than anything. She has a severe fear of fire, but never elaborates when anyone notices that she's nervous. The curl of her hair always fully covers her forehead, even getting in her eyes. This is detrimental to an assassin, but shes adapted to it over the years

Maple has the ability to become invisible when standing completely still. Because of this she has a tendency to bounce on the tips of her toes or tap her hands against her legs to stay visible. On her belt are two emergency flash-bang smoke bombs of Honey's design, and a handle to a purple glowing whip she uses only when she has to. While the whip is her preferred weapon that she has the most technical skill with, her typical weapon is a purple rapier.