


3 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing
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Will consider USD (Cashapp), art, or characters (picky), or a mixture of all three!

Ditzy • Optimistic • Friendly


Unlike most splintercats, Ballou is upbeat and perky, but not without consequence; he pops Ibuprofen like candy to keep his headaches at bay. He's a bit airheaded and gullible, but well-mannered, sweet, and he always tries to stay positive. He's pretty young for a splintercat, but he doesn't let that get to him when others don't take him seriously for his age. He might not be the smartest, but he's got a mischievous side to him that loves pulling jokes and gags. He's also quite fashionable, and his favorite passtime is shopping for the newest styles and putting on spontaneous dressing room fashion shows for his friends.

"I am the cat, enraptured with the sun and its beauty- And you are the sun who warms the fur on my back, and leaves me wanting more when your yellow squares fade with the coming of the night."

height 6'1

build Ectomorph

race Caucasian

pronouns He/him

orientation Gay

dob March 12, 2001

sign Pisces

occupation Hair stylist

mbti ESFP-A

value $15


  • Fashion
  • Sweets
  • Napping
  • Rock climbing


  • Being alone
  • Science
  • Water
  • Spicy food


Thought to be legend, splintercats are large mythical cats of great ferocity that belong to North American folklore. Thought to explain away large wind storms that level forests or chip away the bark on trees, they're nocturnal felines that are exceptionally quick on their feet, with notably hard heads. Supposedly, these big cats feed on small animals that live in trees, and have a soft spot for honey. They're known for ramming tree trunks with their hard heads until prey falls down for them to eat, or to get honey from beehives. Because of this, they're known to have notoriously bad attitudes because of constant headaches.

Physically, these cats are large, with big spines on their backs not unlike hedgehogs.


Ballou grew up with his mother in the country. Since he was little, he has been learning how to hide his ears and tail from humans so he can blend in efficiently; he and his siblings were home-schooled, but when he was old enough, Ballou moved to the city, where he met his current boss Harvey, another splintercat who owns his own hair salon business. Having always been one to love style and getting to do new things, Ballou has been apprenticing under him for some time, and is surprisingly good at what he does.



Harvey is another splintercat with an absolutely terrible personality that just so happens to be so good at what he does that he gets away with it. Ballou looks up to him like Harvey is an older brother, not a boss, and though Harvey would never admit, he's developed a reluctant fondness for Ballou.



Magdalene is Harvey's boyfriend; he's a human who runs his own art studio. He's very sweet, and he and Ballou get along very well and are practically best friends who do everything together, when they're not working.

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