Slicer Vyrm



3 years, 8 months ago


Particularly unusual and dimensionally unstable for a vyrm, the erratic slicer vyrm is easily distinguished by the several segments of its body that are simply missing, as though they've been chopped out of its body and the rest of it simply floats in place, contiguous as though that portion is still there. The inside of its body- visible via these missing slices- is a swirling rainbow of colors known to cause nausea on prolonged visual contact. Its disconnected parts, particularly its head, hands and segmented tail, can "stretch" apart, separating a decent distance away from each other.

Due to its low dimensional stability, the slicer vyrm's time on the Earth-plane is often quite short-lived, but incidences tend to be recurring.

Often shares territory with the tourist vyrm, and the two species seem to interact often and quite positively. Interspecies vyrm interaction (that isn't violent) is quite rare- making this behavior rather worth studying!