CYA6/Cyan (Subject: CYA6 (FleshMP))



3 years, 4 months ago


A robot created by the private space agency MIRA. It was built to be part of a research crew that was to be stationed on the planet Polus. Instead, they've now devoted themself to studying Earth in its radiation-altered state by collecting and analyzing samples of all kinds.




Cyan awakens in an underground facility of Odil Labs after having been deactivated for an unknown amount of time. It, along with the other subjects in the lab- Benjamin, Q, Custard, Flax, Bastion, Terri, Archer, and Ava- find that they have all been cryogenically frozen as part of an experiment. Everyone else in the lab had died due to an apocalypse, however, and so the subjects were kept frozen for hundreds of years, unaware, until the lab's degrading machinery finally wore down enough that they were released. Aboveground, the group finds a world drastically different from what they remember- those that remember anything, anyway- changed by time and radiation. Settlements are few and far between, and living humans even rarer. Luckily for the newly-awoken subjects, though, they find beacons leading to an encampment nearby. There, they find Quinton, an occasionally-possessed hermit, to acclimate them to this strange, irradiated environment and help survive the hazards and monsters therein.

Lodestone Arc

Facing the unfamiliar new Earth, Cyan decides to occupy themself doing what they were built for: research the world around them. After collecting a myriad of samples, though, they find a particularly strange artifact that it finds itself unable to analyze. This artifact just so happens to be a lodestone, a powerful magnet usually used to set a compass' pole. A harmless block, usually. But with the lodestone sitting in Cyan's house, in their specimen room where they spend so much time, the robot slowly becomes corrupted.
Eventually, Cyan begins carrying the lodestone with it. It doesn't- or, possibly, can't- acknowledge it. Its increasingly-erratic behavior leads to a confrontation at Archer's house. Cyan acts very protective of the lodestone, pulling out their weapons when taking it from them is suggested. They refuse to place it unless they can stand in front of or on top of it, and attempt to flee several times. The tense scene ends with no one hurt, but with no resolution, either.
Cyan has become reckless, as well. It had planted a small amount of bamboo near its home, the spread of which Custard quickly assisted- that is to say, she harvested and planted as much more as she possibly could. She, Terri, and Cyan were hanging around the newly-grown bamboo forest, when Custard suggests: Why not do this at someone else's house, too? Cyan and Terri both quickly agree. Their target? Benjamin, a longtime enemy of Custard's. The trio make their way to Benjamin's territory while he's visiting Quinton's house and surround his tower with all the bamboo shoots they could carry. It's not much longer, though, before Cyan spots Benjamin returning through his Nether portal with Blake, the ghost possessing Quinton, in tow. It sounds the alarm, and the bamboozling trio scatter, Custard planting more as she runs. Custard and Terri are caught and forcibly removed from the premises by Blake's bow, while Cyan slips over the wall, runs as far as they can, and then eats shit falling down a hill when they try to make their way back home.


  • Was meant to be stationed on Polus as part of an extrasolar research crew
  • Isn't sure why it was chosen as a subject for cryogenic freezing, seeing as it is a robot
  • Essentially views the other FleshMP characters as its crew, and innately desires to work with and help them as a result
  • Collects biological samples, geological samples, and artifacts for analysis
  • We do a little trolling
  • Does not actually have a chest full of poison splash potions in-character

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