Crowsong's Comments

Is there any chance that Crowsong will have any retention? Would ashkit be the key to this? Would she go to Starclan or be reincarnated into another cat to redeem herself and have a better life?

I remember watching open up your eyes a while back when it came out, by far one of my fav oc maps out there!

Such a pretty character and a beautiful page layout! ✨️

Hey hey!! Was wondering if you added any photos from this PMV couod ya credit this account?

Should I feel scared by the amount of art in this gallery? /hj 

I’m so drawing Crowsong later. 

what type of car is this

i'm also an infp jajaja

i like the touch of post-arc crowsong's fur becoming coarse/spiky and clumped after being submerged by the waters of the dark forest, seeing as it's usually depicted as tar-like & sticky. nice job :)

I was watching the Crowsong animations and I noticed a few details. Did the cats she killed from her clan go to Starclan and not the darkforest?


How did you get animation memes on Scratch as gifs? (saw some in galleries)

Screen recorded it using my ipad!

Omg I found her on YouTube and love the videos! She is like my favorite!! I adore her so much!!!! She inspired me to make an albino cat myself. But mine is well a thunderclan cat, former kitty pet. 

I just gotta say her updated toyhouse page is so pleasing to look at! Wow!


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Hey! No hate just bringing this up - the warriors wiki doesn't like their art being heavily referenced in anyway, even if you tweaked it with your own style ^^ I think you'd need permission.

:0 the new code is beautiful !!

uh m, i drew you something of crowsong but i think you need to accept it or something first? idrk how this works lmao :dies:

also i uploaded it on here if that doesn't work ☾ ˚.⋆ gifto for @.louixie !!! ˚☆ . on Scratch ( bghtrergwfshjtyur

OH nvm lmao

(suggestion) wanna ask if it's possible to have a toggle off button to remove/hide the little sprites while having a little visit to her profile? it's kinda hard to read some texts & press buttons since they're kinda in the way

Oo I see the profile got an update and it looks so pretty!!


What a beautiful girl! Imma deffo have to draw her later


The new Code is so so pretty!! 

The new page is beautiful!

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The new code looks awesome!! It definitely feels more her vibe!

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just swap the "pull right" to "pull left" one of of the codes!

Scrolling through her new code and reading her story again I gotta say, I’ve had the gnawing wonder of what’s going on with the clan in Starclan and how things are going down up there. We get to see what’s going on with Crowsong, but we don’t actually get to see what the result of her actions were with the ones she despised the most, I for one think that’d be something really neat to see if only once.

And the code is gorgeous btw, Jiko did a fantastic job!! I’m absolutely gonna just stare at it sometimes

The new code is INCREDIBLE, I can't stop scrolling through and admiring it 😭😭😭 Amazing work, fits her perfectly!

I love her new code!

* stares shyly* can i hav this cat design!!!!  i offer 5 dabloons….. please accept my offer  Lou ixie !!  !!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍 *looks at you pleadingly with my big puppy dog sad eyes* 

I might change her name … i think princess of darkness would suit well…

FUELED WITH RAGE BABY!!!! she's so cool oml

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Im so sorry to bother you with this, I know its very very minor, but Magpiewings link is instead Falconflights,,! I don't know if its an error on my end or not, but if its just the wrong link, I wanted to let you know! It's not a big deal though,,

Ty for pointing that out! I’ll get it fixed ^^



Dude crowsong just straight up kills everyone ☠️

I thought she killed like some of her family but ig she was that pissed at everyone else

Yeah she went feral-

Did Crowsong die from her injuries after the 'battle' or did one of her family/Clanmates do it? Because it's implied she killed all of CorvidClan, obviously they fought back given her scars, but she's also dead afterwards

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She was pretty much on her deathbed as falcon attacked her (her being covered in dark water ha him not recognising it was crow) but he was still the one to finish her off in that sense

crying over the treatment section

oh my god the meme images are amazing

absolutely love crowsong's design; sad to see the path she went down.

did she kill her parents and ashkit?

Yo! I just saw those giftart images you added to Crowsong just now and OMG, it’s soooo flipping adorable! I love their painted cartoony style so much! Even their cute little lined art is so adorbs! If I had Instagram I’d so gladly follow them but I don’t have Insta- ;w;


Im gonna see if I can get it now just to follow them-

Edit: Just realised I recognised their style and I follow them on YouTube! Darn- it’s been a while since I’ve seen their animations.

Who’s the artist? Would love to check their art out!

Thank you!

Wow, finally got around to checking CrowSong’s page! Her designs and the artwork of her are positively stunning, and the page is so clean and pretty. I love all the decoration ahhh

I’d love to draw her sometime! I’ll totally do so when I get the time. Your work inspires me to actually do things so much, I love your creativity and OCs. Your artstyle is wonderful and so pleasing! The way you drew CrowSong’s fur is so pretty

wow this character has a ton of art 😭

Is it okay if I ask a couple of questions about Crowsong? I'm planning on making a gift for you but I need to know a little info first :) 

It's fine if not, by the way /npa

I've been following Crowsong for a minute and really liked the whole concept of CorvidClan. Would you be okay if I made a fan character for it? If not, I understand and won't press the issue further. ^^

No please! I have included in my tos not to do so! But ty for the interest

Understood -- I think I read them months ago and probably forgot. Apologies!


How did you make the gif?

Quick question! What’s the name of the code you’re using it’s setup is amazing

I just found this character by accident while Watching maps but I love the character lore and storey so far! Could I maybe draw some art of her for you?

Wow I found this animatic and this character completely by coinsidence!

It's a secret as I'll tell it through art! A short summary can be find in my recent map's description but there is a lot left out and so much to tell!

Omg I absolutely how you developed her! She is such an interesting and complex character o:

i love crowsong i love you i love you i love y

HI!! Would you mind if I asked where you got that code? I can’t seem to find it anywhere on Eggy‘s prof Dx

I can't find it either which is a bother in case I need it :,))

AHH,, I see I see 

Maybe try contacting Eggy for the original? Tbh it’s a shame that it got taken down this is such a cool code aa :(

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If this reveals too much about her story, don't worry about it, but did her fur literally change colors? Or was it just a visual metaphor to signify she's changed?

Okay, so I re-read the lore section, and the water from the dark forest literally changed her fur color, correct?

The water did so yes! But also it wasn't permanent until she fulfilled the propecy!

I would do ANYTHING FOR HER im obsessed with this gorgeous girl




TYSM! that means a lot! It's a coding I changed up and customized originally made by !

that stained fur thing is so original omg

im honestly obsessed with her!!!!! ee i lovehrsomfcudsch!! its so 'angsty' but i friggen love that!!! im probably going to start reading the story rn too!!! :D

so ????? she was albino and that's why she hated her fur and didn't want kits ? 

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Yeah that's part of it! Having kits isn't the biggest dream of hers but she definetly don't wish to have them anymore because of it!