Headcanons lol (Places)



3 years, 7 days ago


Here Ill put all the places that are not visible on the Lolimog map aka the ones I made up myself <:3

  • Plubbs Town: A small, kinda old fashioned town that lies deep in the forest and is not far from [????]. Its ALWAYS raining here, sometimes much, sometimes less, sometimes the sun shines through the raindrops and there are rainbows and sometimes there are dark clouds and thunders but the rain never stops (the inhabitants are not bothered by it tho, most love it, in fact...thats why they live there ajhjsa). At least they sell plenty of umbrellas and raincoats at the entrance of the village <:3. Its a fairly small town, and the houses are built around a big lake at the center, as if it were some kind of plaza (it works at the town center, and its a mystery why its never full despite the never ending rain). It was almost abandonded in the past but nowadays its a very good and chill spot to rest and catch sum weird fungi, and visit their precious Eternal Greenhouse.