Kalan Tomentosa



  • Kalan Tomentosa

  • height 5'4"
  • weight 146 lbs
  • race Sylvari
  • orientation Pansexual

 "I was born like 2 seconds ago, give me a minute." 

DOB Summer at Dawn of 1325 AE
Specialization Soulbeast Ranger
Origin The Grove
Weapon Caladbolg Orchida / Longbow
Demeanor Short Tempered, Sassy
Flower Chocolate Soldier
Tarot King of Cups
Alias "Salad", "Commander"
Pet Arroja (Jacaranda)


  • Deserts
  • Pies and Compotes
  • Griffons and Skyscales
  • Clothes that make him seem tall


  • Cold climates
  • Insects/Insectoid Enemies
  • Long lists of busywork

mischievous • Impatient • Sassy


Thrust into the position of Pact Commander so quickly after his birth from the Pale Tree, Kalan Tomentosa is a bit of an inexperienced leader. Even with that said, he’s extremely charismatic and highly adaptable to his situation at hand. Everyone knows him for his quick wit and sassy personality. Though, he does have a tendency to jump into situations without thinking things clearly first. Touching things he’s not supposed to, leaping into fights before coming up with a good strategy. He relies heavily on his friends, especially his ranger buddy Pulmenti Brittlejaw.

He’s best known for his battle with Balthazar, coming back from the dead to take down the War God and surprising everyone around him. He’s also known for his leadership in the war with Zhaitan and the battle with Mordremoth’s army.

Kalan has an intensely close connection to the newest Elder Dragon, Aurene, imprinting with her during the events with Mordremoth’s corruption. Though it may not have as many physical changes that his fellow sylvari, Caithe, underwent he can feel her presence and love even when she’s off somewhere else. He’s unsure what might happen if that tether is broken.


  • Though Kalan was born just before Zhaitan’s reign of evil started up, Balthazar had risen just a little before in his timeline. He took the War God down once but did not kill him, he was eventually killed for good further down the line when Kralkatorrik had woken up again.
  • His and Soup’s companionship is often nicknamed the “Soup and Salad” Dynamic.
  • Though he disagrees with the Nightmare Court, he does sympathize with some of their complaints, recognizing that the Pale Mother does play favorites with her Firstborns. He’s not an exception either, noticing how she treats him compared to the other sylvari due to his commander destiny.
  • Kalan had a brief fling with Pact Marshal Trahearne, it was cut short during the events of Heart of Thorns. He took up the title of "Knight of the Thorn" and the sword, Caladbolg, in honor of the Marshal.
  • You will often see Kalan confusing the local wildlife for enemies he’s supposed to be fighting (only because they attacked him first). He’s caused the accidental extinction of some animals in a few nations. He denies doing so if you bring it up.
  • He has 3 pets he adores to pieces: Arroja, a Jacaranda with a fiery attitidue; Tirucalli, a Fire Wyvern who's gentle natured; and Odella a Smokescale who probably has one functioning braincell.
  • He also has a companion/familiar fox named "Feldi".
  • He names every pet after types of succulents.

History (1303-1325 AE)


Guild Wars 2 Alternate Events (1325-1332)


Pulmenti Brittlejaw

[ Best Friend ]         de5lvze-91fa20f7-8866-41d8-a186-30e59086

Sisal Blackbriar

[ Best Friend / Girlfriend ]   


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