White Diamond



3 years, 8 months ago


Color: White Diamond

Name: WhiteDiamondRat

Godly Aliases: Ozehiri, Eye in the Sky, The Messenger To Hell

Pronouns: they/them, she/her

Moral Alignment: lawful good(?)

Color Rank: Secondary

Color Group: White

Allegiance: Bleached Mischief


God of: Ozehiri, first planet from the Xieran suns

Symbols: Ozehiri itself, white diamonds, white fire with blinding luminance, a four-pointed diamond with a circular eye with a slit pupil at each point (often simplified to a four-pointed diamond shape with a circle at all four points), circular halos made of pure white fire

Sui Generis: Unbreaking 

Description: WhiteDiamondRat can create constructs made of white, flawless diamond. She can telekinetically move and shape them as though they were made of putty, but if any other god tried to mold them, the constructs would burst into a million shards that would vanish into nothing in a few minutes.

The limits on this are vague, but it seems to be tied to the volume of the construct and not at all the complexity. If WhiteDiamondRat were to make a construct many times taller than them or heavier than her, she’d draw upon the magic of her physical form to build it and may even end up diluting herself. Yet she can build fragile butterflies, wind chimes, and spiral staircases with relative ease. She can build automatons with this, but not sentient creatures. These constructs are difficult to destroy by sheer physical force, but if someone else physically bends them, they’ll probably snap.

Magic Weapon: Glowing orbs of white energy; she can also shoot them out of a massive hand-held cannon

Patron Of:

* Name - Gift


Personality: White Diamond is silent and stern, with a grim expression. She speaks very seriously and gives too much detail, and she rarely makes jokes. White Diamond is observant as hell and blessed with a great memory. She will remember what you did. But she won’t attack herself. She’ll just watch and wait, like she’s biding her time. 

In the past, White Diamond was much more fiery and aggressive, making snap judgments and striking down those she thought was evil with impunity, but she’s… not like that anymore. Now she’s reluctant to lift a claw herself or act upon her judgments of character. She just sits and watches, and she doesn’t attack unless provoked. At one point in her life she would regularly visit and report to the death gods, telling them what she saw of mortals, but nowadays that’s rare.

White Diamond is very watchful of humanity, though she only ever intervenes through her ‘mancers- who are a rarity nowadays.

History: Ozehiri was not always a white planet, and Ozehiri did not always have a god. Whereas many color gods are born and then strike out to find their domain, White Diamond was born from the worship of the planet Ozehiri. Cultures revered the ever-luminous spot in the sky as the eye of a watchful guardian of humanity, a minor death god who spied upon humanity and reported back to the judge you see at the gates of the afterlife, or as a god of war and battle. The prayers to the planet itself would lead to the birth of a color god.

The Vade Mecum Iridis speaks of the god’s first appearance- in the Akromatikos Eon, nomad mages in the Skeptral Desert prayed to Ozehiri for protection, and a great beast of fire and light descended to Xierus and rent evildoers apart from within with diamond. This god would spend her earliest years on the surface of Xierus, fighting as alongside her worshippers as any cosmic god could. She was originally [UNTRANSLATABLE]Rat, a secondary of the Albine color group. When the color gods retreated back to the Palette, [UNTRANSLATABLE]Rat spent her time watching over all of humanity and fighting wars alongside her brethren on the Palette.

But that would come to an abrupt end.

No one remembers what color Ozehiri was, but it wasn’t always white. It was never described as such in the Xieran history books, but nobody can place what it once was. 

WhiteDiamondRat was not always white, either. She remembers what BleachedRat did to her brethren. She remembers the death of her Primary- that was her Primary, right? This is deeply wrong. She wants to fight back, but she would have to be insane to fight BleachedRat. 

So WhiteDiamondRat accepted her fate and her disgrace for a very long time, watching over humanity with a despondent eye but not telling a soul what she saw. 

But witnessing the violence of Bleachedmancers upon the Palette has unclouded her eyes, and stopped her from doubting her judgment. Thus she roused herself from her depression and attempted to wander from the Bleached nest more, and take a more active stance towards humanity.

Voice Claim: ???

Theme Song: Starset- Down With The Fallen



  • Many of Ozehiri’s worshippers were and are cultures that endured in the Skeptral Desert; and because of this, WhiteDiamondRat is friends with EmpireQuartzRat.
  • Since Ozehiri turned white and its guardian became known as a white color group, worship and honor of WhiteDiamondRat fell out of favor in larger Xieran culture. White colors are often associated with Bleachedmancers in the public eye. Groups that had traditionally worshipped Ozehiri and its associated god took this event as a sign that something awful had happened to their god, but their faith remained unbreaking.
  • WhiteDiamondmancers are fairly rare; there were known [UNTRANSLATABLE]mancers, but in recent memory there have been exceedingly few if any at all. This is because WhiteDiamondRat didn’t feel they deserved any colormancers, and didn’t want to inflict their awful state of mind on anyone.
  • WhiteDiamondRat very reluctantly follows Bleached and tries to keep her mancer(s) and general feelings secret from him. She mostly obeys him out of fear and her shattered self-esteem- she knows and thinks she isn’t strong enough to fight him on her own. Plus, he’s so nice to his underlings, sometimes she doubts her own judgment and memories… 
  • She’s spoken of in the Vade Mecum Iridis as manifesting in blindingly-bright light and fire. She can cloak herself in a horribly bright glowing white flame, but she has no innate pyrokinesis, and can only control her own white flames as long as they’re touching her body. She can also glow an obnoxiously bright white at will.